Looking for a 5th
Eh we are happy with our 4, and have tried out a lot for our 5th.
Don't feel like anyone has the same chemistry as us. Or fits in, for lack of better words.
So if you're LFT and have the following
-Nice shot
-Flexible Schedule
-Accurate calls
-No rage problems
Hit me up on xfire: torispelling
~The team name is #blueprints but it's pretty much a joke.
Team name is pretty much rize, as it's the same 3 people with a new 4th.
*Don't waste our time, and we won't waste yours.
Don't feel like anyone has the same chemistry as us. Or fits in, for lack of better words.
So if you're LFT and have the following
-Nice shot
-Flexible Schedule
-Accurate calls
-No rage problems
Hit me up on xfire: torispelling
~The team name is #blueprints but it's pretty much a joke.
Team name is pretty much rize, as it's the same 3 people with a new 4th.
*Don't waste our time, and we won't waste yours.
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