Have You been kicked for having a Low Ping?



  • 12 PING in Alpha to Foxtrot.
    My situation is worse than yours lmao.
  • I sometimes get kicked for having a low ping, but that's not the primary reason...
  • Kill once- IM A BAWSS
    die once- HAKKER KICK HAKKER
    die alot- PORRA LIXO HAKKER
    hack- ME NOT HAKKER ME PRO (then proceeds to wall everyone on opposing team)

    hahahah .
  • Had one game I got into today, someone kept saying. OMG, we got 3 low ping's in the room...KICK them now.......And yes, we all got kicked......This is getting sad.
  • I hate to say it , but yes it's happening more and more , I automatically kick anyone with a 300 ping , have you ever played with 150+ ping and tried to kill someone , if so you know what I'm talking about

    the problem lies here , because the kids with over 200 ping lagg so bad they take up jhacking , and say that now they are even , because of their poor ping

    In the words of dot ... "sad"
  • DonSharK wrote: »
    In one day of playing CF, how many times have you been kicked out of a game for having a low ping? Within 3 hrs last night, I was kicked 4 times for having a low ping. This has never happen to me before...

    I was playing with one of my clan members, in Alaska. And someone started to said, kick the low ping out of here. Next thing you know, I was kicked. My ping was only 56.

    My clan member who is a BR, one of the 10% who don't hack. Told me that all the low ping are going to get kicked out of the games from now on. Well I am going to play again today, and see what happens......

    if you go to Delta 9 with a 2 digits ping theres a 90% possibility of getting kicked because theres where the BR's plays with the lag they have .
    some times i go there to troll Br's kids trying to speak Portuguese but anyways get kicked Reason : Gringo Lixo hahaha
    Its pretty fun join there and start asking "QUEM QUER CLAN " or "ALGUM BR " haha : )
  • I've had people blame me for making them lag when i have lower ping then them, and have laggers call me a lagger.

    but most of all have brs blame my mini ping for them sucking, so they kick me >.>

    So yes i have been kicked for having mini ping, but it didnt happen that often
  • I always get kicked for having a "miniping". No way to stop them really. They just don't understand that they should just gtfo and go to CF Latin America instead.

    Oh, and there are plenty of those idiots that think higher ping is better and means you lag less... LOL. Z8 should also switch the "status" to "ping" to clear up any confusion.
  • I always get kicked for having a "miniping". No way to stop them really. They just don't understand that they should just gtfo and go to CF Latin America instead.

    CF LA hasn't been publicly released yet, so not every person from LA can just leave their account made for CF NA to go play CF LA.
  • hack- ME NOT HAKKER ME PRO (then proceeds to wall everyone on opposing team)

    I've seen this a lot.

    Yesterday in GM someone entered the room and killed 3 ghosts quickly, then 3 the next round so I check his status; Corporal, high ping, kd 6.0.

    So using my uber logic for identifying some hackers quickly which is; High ping, high score = high chance of hack.

    I decided watched him next round at spawn time and his char is upright with his feet in the floor and hovering, so I start a kick, then another and everyone is calling him hacker and what does this player say? "My pro no kik" - Poor English added to my uber logic:D
  • VATAV wrote: »
    This version was made primary for NA an UK.

    Aff noob.

    See me location stat and [F]enix
    bestest player ever but noob farmer lixo beat him!


    Missed this post earlier and can't edit.
  • WOW... only once this happens to me ALL THE TIME. i play on bravo since my ping is lowest there due to my Distance away from the server Normally 20-25 ping , alpha 40-55 ping , charlie pretty much the same as alpha and delta I never go to due to the BR's hacking up the place. But personally i get kicked/put up for kick 5-6 times a day and all i see prior to the kick is "MINI PING" KikA . is it me or do they not know how to spell kick.... anyways this game is getting out of hand. I dont have any complaints about the euro's but the south american NEED TO GO. they mess my k/d up something fierce and when i do well in a match i get kicked for Doing just that. if my k/d in a match is anywhere past 2.0 and theres nothing but 150+ pingers i know im getting the boot. so what do i do ??? i force myself to die 1 or 2 rounds . pretty much dumbing down my skills. Hope this closed beta for the br's opens up soon. and there ip's and accounts are stripped from our servers. iv seen about 15 sites offering Zp hacks and guess what there in portuguese. I Wonder Why.... Z8 OPEN THE DAMN BETA ALREADY AND RID US of These Vermin.
  • Always.

    Enter a pub = Playing with Brs = Kicked.
    ^that's crossfire NA