Esg.Elite picking up
hey i am the leader of s5 and Esg.Elite is picking up 1 player just 1 we hope he can do sniper and rifle but pretty much all the spots are taken we got our s5 all filled out but we have 1 sub spot open reason sub and not s5 is bcus our s5 is pretty strong and we dont wanna change that. So we are 6-0 in clan wars and 8-5 in scrims so we are pretty descent not bad ill say but if u want to join sub u still have to tryout in a scrim with us for that spot we are very picky BUT anyone can join the clan if your active but s5 and sub not just something anyone can get this is the clans link
JOONisKorean wrote: »Only thing this team offers for you to be in their team, is to be in their terrible S5, for a terrible team.
NO u got to be very good to be in our s5 not noobs in it noobs can't even be in the subs whats your ign ill show u that we good in a scrim vs your team Esg.Elite wins -
Klu7chKilleR wrote: »NO u got to be very good to be in our s5 not noobs in it noobs can't even be in the subs whats your ign ill show u that we good in a scrim vs your team Esg.Elite wins
no offense but ur team is full of randies who all look horrible. and all the teams u vsed r horrible too but..
u guys will get better -
JOONisKorean wrote: »Only thing this team offers for you to be in their team, is to be in their terrible S5, for a terrible team.eshh_nihaoma wrote: »lol.
no offense but ur team is full of randies who all look horrible. and all the teams u vsed r horrible too but..
u guys will get better
talk shyt about new teams when you guys aren't decent.
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