Help? =[

Hm, so I randomly decided to give up with the whole clan thing, I was getting too focused on winning, and forgot about just enjoying myself. After I left clans, I felt more free, performed better in all games, enjoyed it.

Despite this, after testing it out in [A]narchy for a few days, I really miss the whole meeting people and having a laugh with clan mates. I would of stayed with [A]narchy, but the majority of members are American so i've been told, so I could never have a good laugh with more than a few at one time (btw, [A]narchy, still great people form what I saw, great clan, recommend.)

So yeah this was kinda pointless, except for one favour I ask from someone, anyone..

Does anyone know any pretty sick clans, with fun members that can handle my almost non stop talking (I like to talk). Preferably a clan with enough members on, maybe a few UK players?

Btw, a "decent" kdr, mostly down to me playing td so much, I like, don't hate.

Close to pointless thread? I love you all.
