Looking for a decent clan.

Decent player looking for a decent clan.

Why: Because I can't play well by myself (lol). I need a team that can actually have my back and get the kills (when I miss, witch means often) and understand strats so that when we scrim it doesn't end up being us getting r.aped.

What kind of clan?: A clan with a main core that can actually play well together, I am not a BEAST, can't clutch most of the time because I am a baddie :D, however I can do fairly well with a good group of players. I also want the social aspect of the clan to be nice, witch means having ventrilo, not getting all upset when someone fails in scrims/pubs (altho if you get upset in pubs, you're a baddie), BE ACTIVE, be nice, no whiny/mother trucking noobs, have a good reputation, be honest about in-clan stuff, scrim quite often, read my post, if you did, post i like cats at the end of your post (lol), no hackers, etc etc.

