Succesfull clan

I dont have a clan and well i dont know if i should join one or make my own clan,but i need help on how to make my clan to be succesfull!

Anyone have tips on how to make a clan to be succesfull like todays top clans?


  • I wish I could help you but, I have no experience as clan leader.
  • I just managed a clan in Soldier Front, recently, so here are some tips:

    1) Be active, that's just abit it.
    2) Don't be a jerk; a good clan leader = a better clan itself.
    3) Recruit alot, in-game or on the forums.
    4) If you aren't a pro, and just like to play casually, don't make limitations in K/D and etc..
  • ValkyOpz wrote: »
    I dont have a clan and well i dont know if i should join one or make my own clan,but i need help on how to make my clan to be succesfull!

    Anyone have tips on how to make a clan to be succesfull like todays top clans?

    Well first of all don't go off and recruit anybody.
    Recruit some pro friends who DON'T hack.
    And tell them to recruit pro's only.

    When someone comes and applies test him out and save the replay
    and check if he hacks or not.

    This WILL take a while until you get a pro clan together
    but trust me it's worth it.
  • xErthys wrote: »
    I just managed a clan in Soldier Front, recently, so here are some tips:

    1) Be active, that's just abit it.
    2) Don't be a jerk; a good clan leader = a better clan itself.
    3) Recruit alot, in-game or on the forums.
    4) If you aren't a pro, and just like to play casually, don't make limitations in K/D and etc..

    Some clans don't care about clan points just wanna be number 1 in scrimming.
  • Well a good name allawys seems to help out so think of a cool one... and recrute freinds like SlowM0 said
  • ValkyOpz wrote: »
    I don't have a clan and well i don't know if i should join one or make my own clan,but i need help on how to make my clan to be successful!

    Anyone have tips on how to make a clan to be successful like today's top clans?

    Sound professional on clan messages e.g: How the mods sound on forums...
  • first off, you have to have leadership qualities, or your clan will fail down the line. There
    is nothing worst than a clan leader that can't lead. Secondly, be ready to deal with the bull
    that comes with leading a clan (there will be clan drama, and failure to deal with it fairly
    and effectivly will result in the departure of all your clan mates ;) )

    All successful clans that have a great bond with eachother seem to have certain traits

    1) They have some way for everyone to communicate with eachother efficently (voice
    programs such as Ventrillo, Teamspeak, Mumble... though xfire will accomplish the same

    2) They have culture (extreamly important), this needs to be developed overtime, and
    this alone will keep your members devoted and loyal.

    3) Those in power are extreamly trustworthy, do not make some random pro that joined
    a week ago a leutentant... if you do, be prepared for major clan drama... choose your
    leuts wisely.

    4) Be VERY careful of who you recruit... recruiting some immature teen with anger issues
    will cause clan drama, recruit people whom are mature as this will prevent mountains
    worth of stress in the future.

    5) Be fair, but strict. If someone hacks, apply the same punishment to all members,
    do not give your friend leeway just because he is your friend... word will eventually
    catch on to the other clan members, and there will be major clan drama.

    6) Have a level of professionalism, the more professional you act, the more loyal and
    mature your clan members will be

    Being a clan leader is both rewarding and stressful. A clan leader has to build a community
    of gamers, and the task is left to people that are willing to work hard to acheive this goal,
    and those that are willing to work with the negatives of a community such as when
    there is conflict between members. You will be looked up to to solve problems that arrise
    and to lead a good example, failure to do so will lead to clan drama ^.^ If you want to be
    competitive, make sure the clan knows your future goals, and develop people from the
    ground up. If you just want to have fun casually in pubs, also relay that to your clan
    and just have fun in clan rooms :P

  • You must buy zp. It is really hard to look professional when you don't buy zp. It costs to get the clan and then to get a logo (clans with logos are more attractive). When i started mine everyone was asking for ventrilo but i couldn't afford a server or be bothered to get it so it is a lot of hard to work.
  • first of all rank doesnt matter, skill odes so recruit very skilled members untill you have enough for a scrim team and make your name known by all from winning alot! :) then keep recruiting more skilled get a communicating program like vent or teamspeak or something