Precision under Pressure -PuP- Looking for more

PuP is Looking for a few more members to start our competitive play the following positions follow below

Starting Sniper
•Past Experience as a team sniper
•Good Ability with Sidearm
•Active Daily or Frequently
•Ability to Follow Strats / Make Calls
•Working Mic + Mumble

Starting Rifler x2
•Past Experience as a Starting Rifler
•Accurate with a variety of riflers / or one strong rifle
•Active Daily or Frequently
•Ability to Follow Strats / Make Calls
•Working Mic + Mumble

Substitute x3
•Accurate with a rifle or a sniper
•Ability to follow Strats / make calls
•Active Minimum 3 days a week
•Working Mic + Mumble

Server- E8

