Ventrilox Free Vent Channel Hosting

Ventrilox Ventrilo Servers are looking to open 100% FREE Ventrilo channels within our servers for Crossfire/Counter strike players. We currently hold a 150 slot Server in Chicago, and a 100 slot server in Europe. You may contact the owner, Ryan Carr at regarding details. If you are looking to get a channel immediately, we ask that you fulfill the following requirements:
*Must have at least 5 players to open a channel
*Channel must not remain idle for more then 3 days, with exceptions (IE. Holidays, Vacations)
*You must speak English in the Chicago server when speaking with staff memebers

We also may start hosting Crossfire On Saturdays and Wednesday If you are interested in a free channel in one of our servers, join the server (info posted below) and wait in the help desk for a staff member to assist you. Any Immidiate questions, you may Private Message or Whisper either Myself (Ty), Wildething, Run_Fools, or Anonymous125 in game (:

Server Information:
Chicago Server
Port: 4936

Europe Sever
Port: 4210