top 10 esg teams to be

I want to kno who the community thinks the top 10 teams will be for esg.
I personally think 1-5 in no particular order:

Hammertime-obviously gunna be in the list considering they just got back from korea
Instinct-though it looked like they broke up, i'm pretty sure they're gunna get their team back together and when they do i think they could do really well in esg
SNSD-never actually seen them play seriously but seeing what everyone else on the forums had to say about them i beleive they probably would go top 5 in esg if they got their team back together.
Trio-trio, though they havent played much recently i still think they have the drive to enter esg and rank quite nicely
Lifeline-i thought of them as more of a top 10 considering they dont even have their team anymore but also considering they also attended korea im guessing their still ready to go.

6-10 in no particular order:

FaceDown-i just think their a underrated team, although everyone aknowledges them as a good team no one considers them a top team even though they show signs of it.
LPK-even though it seems like they disbanded, i read somewhere on the forums that they will come back and if they do i do beleive they will again become one of the top teams
Defcon-Seen them play a couple games and i think defcon is just the perfect blend of teamwork and talent rather then some teams who are all talent and others who are all teamwork.
3$S-like SNSD, i've never actually seen them play competivly but from what i read about them on the forums, they seem like they can rank well.
pCp-if they can keep their current team together i really think they can rank well.

this is assuming all these teams play, please leave your opinion and try your best not to troll
