Cyber Picking up
theTASTYLIME wrote: »you care enough to reply to everything i say which is good enough for me.
horrible 2 week team virgin player on an alt. i've gotten used to people like you. last time i am saying it, no one good will ever join this awful team. -
theTASTYLIME wrote: »notice how all of the top players that played this game have trolled on these forums? it isn't a coincidence. now please, stop making threads about your two week alt team... no one good will ever consider joining.
I've never Brando/naos/monstar troll.
I've seen Tyler maybe once.
You know, the best players in the this game, are usually really humble and chill... You wouldn't know the meaning of either of those words though, since you waste time lying over the internet... Like wow... I can't think of a reason for one to sit there, type paragraphs about your dreams at night, and think you are a cool person. Try passing high school with honors/ap classes completed, and move outta your parent's basement, and maybe you'll have a chance out there bud.
EDIT: inb4youhaveagirlfriend1kmilesawayandtastybraggingaboutfakeaesthetics -
I've never Brando/naos/monstar troll.
I've seen Tyler maybe once.
You know, the best players in the this game, are usually really humble and chill... You wouldn't know the meaning of either of those words though, since you waste time lying over the internet... Like wow... I can't think of a reason for one to sit there, type paragraphs about your dreams at night, and think you are a cool person. Try passing high school with honors/ap classes completed, and move outta your parent's basement, and maybe you'll have a chance out there bud.
EDIT: inb4youhaveagirlfriend1kmilesawayandtastybraggingaboutfakeaesthetics
Brando, Naos and Monstar aren't top players.
humble and chill lol? wow you're pretty pathetic. this is the internet, i'm not here to make ****ing friends like you. I address bad teams when they are bad and I address bad players when they are bad (take you for example) if you had any sort of logicality you would realize that a team such as cyber isn't doing this community any good as they will be dead before the end of this week like every other team being made. you of course are too oblivious to realize this. oh well, evidently you won't be getting anywhere in life. -
Prove to me that you're not an alt, and I'll quit the forums.
lol he isnt a alt just a new comer from cs.... he was in meh team..
his buddy joined and couple ays later he says he might know someone who might play n bam he came in not soo long ago.. -
By the way you kids are acting, he is an alt.
So my question is... why go through so much trouble denying it, and then giving up? sad.
...? lawl why go through so much trouble trying to prove ur point? ... u can say they are alts.. n why would u care... frggin Goof. -
TASTYYYLIMES wrote: »Brando, Naos and Monstar aren't top players.
humble and chill lol? wow you're pretty pathetic. this is the internet, i'm not here to make ****ing friends like you. I address bad teams when they are bad and I address bad players when they are bad (take you for example) if you had any sort of logicality you would realize that a team such as cyber isn't doing this community any good as they will be dead before the end of this week like every other team being made. you of course are too oblivious to realize this. oh well, evidently you won't be getting anywhere in life.
They are certainly better than you, hell, 90% of this community could outperform you, if you weren't cheating. Calling me bad, it doesn't mean much, coming from you. I'm not defending cyber, I never did. I highly doubt myself they will last more than a week from now on. But yes! I'm not going anywhere in life because you assume I'm defending cyber! Perfect logic there from the worlds worst troll. You are the one who will end up making 50k/year while having to pay child support for 2 kids cause your future wife (pretty ugly, be hey, you finally get something) leaves your bum ass.
Now I advise getting some sht for your face, it's almost as bad as Maxwells.
Kthx -
...? lawl why go through so much trouble trying to prove ur point? ... u can say they are alts.. n why would u care... frggin Goof.
It's no trouble at all, a few posts on the forums = trouble for you? And it's because I like embarrassing people on online forums.
Only canadians use Goof as an insult... Everyone I call a goof is always like "WAT?"...
i like you already.
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