sGo vs Optimum.
You're a random scrub. Name 20 people that know you and I'd be impressed.
13. suko
20. billgates
21. .bLap cuz i havent actually played with suko that much -
ChrisssWwE wrote: »1.Puisheran1ki
13. suko
20. billgates
Being known by randoms is an accomplishment I heard!
I'll cut you a break, name 10 people that are actually decent at this game that know you.
BTW the fact that you actually named 20 people is so sad LOL -
ChrisssWwE wrote: »1.Puisheran1ki Who?
2.EsclRain_ Who?
3.Soviet- Who?
4.Sick*Virus Who?
6.Diverse Who?
9.____CC Who?
12.98killstreak(optistreak) Who?
13. suko
14.akz Who?
15.lundb(delaware.) Who?
16.enigma Who?
17.pwnage2own Who?
18.kum Who?
19.flyingpig Who?
20. billgates Who?
21. .bLap cuz i havent actually played with suko that much Who?
Everyone who isn't listed as a who isn't really a competitive player anyways.
0/21, try again. -
1. Denxi
2. Dag
3. monSTAR
4. ubad
5. mav
6. brando
7. deathstrike
8. doop
9. slaya
10. dellz
11. TastyLimes
12. kc
13. aL
14. Explizit
15. Naze
16. dot-a
17-22. All the nerds from LifeLine that know me, but think I cheat and don't like me.
23. Oz
24. RuFus
25. Phong
There's 25 within a minute. Real list of people who actually slightly matter. -
1. Denxi
2. Dag
3. monSTAR
4. ubad
5. mav
6. brando
7. deathstrike
8. doop
9. slaya
10. dellz
11. TastyLimes
12. kc
13. aL
14. Explizit
15. Naze
16. dot-a
17-22. All the nerds from LifeLine that know me, but think I cheat and don't like me.
23. Oz
24. RuFus
25. Phong
There's 25 within a minute. Real list of people who actually slightly matter.
aww no me </3 -
Being known by randoms is an accomplishment I heard!
I'll cut you a break, name 10 people that are actually decent at this game that know you.
BTW the fact that you actually named 20 people is so sad LOL
I'm far from a random Saucey baby -
SuKoisNuTz wrote: »I'm far from a random Saucey baby
Except you are. You're only "known" for blatantly cheating and then being a complete ***** about "going straight" (although it's the same for most low-mid level competitive players nowadays)
You're like Paris Hilton. Yeah, you're known, but everyone worth anything knows that you're known for being a *****, nothing more. -
Datkidddddd wrote: »"brb getting known for getting busted more times than tatsy"
I wouldn't talk Datkid. At least I play good legit.. You on the other hand... and I got busted three times. One of the busts was me playing legit lmao :rolleyes:Except you are. You're only "known" for blatantly cheating and then being a complete ***** about "going straight" (although it's the same for most low-mid level competitive players nowadays)
You're like Paris Hilton. Yeah, you're known, but everyone worth anything knows that you're known for being a *****, nothing more.
yawn. Bad comparison. I'm more of a Kesha. And everyone in the game knows me, regardless of how it happened, I'm not a random, compared to me, you are. -
SuKoisNuTz wrote: »I wouldn't talk Datkid. At least I play good legit.. You on the other hand... and I got busted twice. One of the busts was me playing legit lmao :rolleyes:
yawn. Bad comparison. I'm more of a Kesha.
lol, do you honestly think i'd be in a team if i cheated? or went 0-8 every scrim like you think i do??? get some common sense bro.... -
SuKoisNuTz wrote: »
yawn. Bad comparison. I'm more of a Kesha. And everyone in the game knows me, regardless of how it happened, I'm not a random, compared to me, you are.
if i'm correct, you just called denxi a random??? you just made my night you fcking tool. dudes been on the game sense before your balls dropped.... -
Datkidddddd wrote: »lol, do you honestly think i'd be in a team if i cheated? or went 0-8 every scrim like you think i do??? get some common sense bro....
Go check your growler scores... Diverse is your buttbuddy, why you have a team.Datkidddddd wrote: »if i'm correct, you just called denxi a random??? you just made my night you fcking tool. dudes been on the game sense before your balls dropped....
Lmao. since*. And compared to me, most people are randoms.
Zitfaced ignorant moron -
SuKoisNuTz wrote: »Go check your growler scores... Diverse is your buttbuddy, why you have a team.
Lmao. since*. And compared to me, most people are randoms.
Zitfaced ignorant moron
lol because me and diverse go back, means that's the only reason i have a team? you never got a team when gina was around though... to bad she realized an online relationship wasn't going anywhere and 'dumped' you....
and again, the ONLY reason people know you is because you got caught cheating multiple times.
go ahead and talk about my irl features, yet i have an irl girlfriend, and you have an e-ex. -
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