British Crossfire Community // BCC

Today is the public launch of the British Crossfire Community. This is an organization focused on UK players and it will be hosting Cups and Drafts with prizes for the UK & EU community.

Fundamental rules:
All teams participating in any 5on5 event hosted by BCC must have at least
3 players with United Kingdom residence. This rule will be checked via your
TS country flag which is linked to your IP and goes for Cups and Drafts.

Please refer to the specific Cup Rules in the description of the event.
These rules will vary so if not sure please ask an Admin for help.
Some Cup structures include single & double elimination, night cups or
weekly cups. Teams will be required to use the BCC TeamSpeak for communication and
will be given a private channel with preferred audio quality.
This is to ensure a smooth transition between stage rounds and fast
communication between Admins and Teams.

Our first event is going to be Sunday the 11th of December 20:00 GMT (UK Time).
Type: 5on5, Single Elimination, Night Cup, S&D, games at each hour.
Team Slots: 8 Note: If we get at least 5 teams, the rest can be picked via a Draft system. If we get under 5 teams, it will turn into a Draft with team stacking allowed as some people came to play with their teams.
Team Roster Size: 7
Sign ups start now, and end Sunday the 11th at 19:00 GMT.

1st Place:
1 Month Mumble
5x 7-day Bushmaster ACR's Redeem Codes
5x 2000 GP Redeem Codes
Team House on TeamSpeak (1 Month if 3 or more players are from same clan)
1st Place Gold Medal name tag on TeamSpeak (1 Month)
More prizes may be announced later next week.

2nd Place:
5x 2000 GP Redeem Codes
2nd Place Silver Medal name tag on TeamSpeak (1 Month)

3rd Place:
3rd Place Silver Medal name tag on TeamSpeak if desired (1 Month)

Sign up:
To sign your team (Max 7 players) please send me a PM on here with your team name and all your player's IGNs. If confirmed you will see your team information in one of the channels dedicated for your team in the BCC TeamSpeak (Team 1 TeamNameHere and in the channel discription you will see your roster).

You have to be ready to start your match with 5 players on each side exactly on the hour. If players are having technical difficulties waiting time is max 10 minutes and after that you can submit your no-show. When you finish your game you have to report your win and prepare for your next game. For a match duration of 45 minutes you have 15 minutes to get your team ready for your next match.

MOSS will be the Anti-Cheat. More information on how to use it and the required settings can be found in our complete rules. Rules link can be found below and on our TeamSpeak.

Click here for the RULES page.

You have 1 week to gather your teams so you can sign up under rule 1.1 or to get any extra UK players needed. For any questions you can ask me on xfire: nipplepie or post here.

BCC TeamSpeak3:
Previous thread: VITAL GAMING Night Cup
