First, this is all non-official. I just want to get some feedback on the idea and maybe then change and develop it or scrap it. If there is enough interest I will put some time in it, otherwise, just a discussion.

Right now there are no leagues for the UK players in Crossfire NA, so what I would like to do is get my org to host a night cup for 8 teams and if it’s successful we can do a few more at a later date. This is not going to be a league that I or anyone else will be pushing to work, simply rock & roll.

Right now the future that I personally see for the British residents is that sooner or later there will be pure UK leagues for us, where NA or EU players wouldn’t be welcome to play (NAs have their servers, and EUs have their CF-EU and that’s where the leagues are going it seems). Right now there aren’t, if any, pure UK teams. This means that any league wanting to enforce such rules would have to gradually build up to it. We’d need players and we might as well use any EU players that still prefer playing this version over the EU one, but by not encouraging UK teams we are only delaying the inevitable.

What I would do is have a rule that states “All teams must have at least 3 players located in the UK present in the match.” As time goes on and the community builds upon semi UK teams, soon we will be able to have UK only teams, where all 5 players must be from the UK. This is already seen in a few CS:S leagues such as ESL UK Major Series.

The Idea
As I said via VITAL GAMING or another sponsor, I can try to organise a small event. A Night Cup for 8 teams under the rule “All teams must have at least 3 players located in the UK present in the match.” This is something similar to CCC, but it’s more focused on encouraging UK teams to be created. Before I have said “Competition gives players a motive to create teams” but I want to see if there will be enough people interested before I spend any time on this.

The Cup rules are still open, but will probably be generic ESL/WOGL (GP weapons only) rules. I am interesting in trying a double elimination bracket system, but if people prefer single that’s fine. If Z8Games are willing to give out a few prizes for this, I guess they might ask for the weapon rules to be a bit less tight, so that’s another option. Other prizes might include a Mumble for an X time (possibly a year). I might throw something out of my own pocket too and I presume I will have a greater sponsor support if more people want to play. If teams are willing to chuck a few £ quid to enter we might even have a small prize pot.

Anti-Cheat will be nothing special, probably MOSS, UAC3 or growler. What I would like to do is maybe use MOSS (with capture freq. of 2 mandatory), and the loosing team can ask to see certain player’s files from the winning team (so no need to upload unless asked to). (<<< Stolen from the EU(PT) Draft as personally I liked the idea and it worked) If anyone has a corrupt or dodgy moss they are disqualified.

Essentially what I will provide is an event that is better than nothing, with a domain, team speak for everyone (if you want to do it like a draft but with set teams) and a few modest prizes. I am not aiming high; I just want to temporarily fill the gap until a real league comes. Please discuss, criticize or like.
