Crossfire Gameguard not Opening... -_-
ummm, help? it does this everytime i go to play.
check to make sure patcher_cf.exe isnt on your process list
1. ctrl + alt + del
2. click process tab (or click start task manager if vista then process tab)
3. look for patcher_cf.exe
4. highlight patcher_cf.exe and click end task (this is only if it is on the list)
this might be because you have other games that also use GG if the steps dont work try restarting computer if that doesnt work then make sure its added to your firewalls exceptions, and if all else fails reinstall >.<
EDIT: nice games u got there spyfox 2 and star wars quake XD -
ummm, help? it does this everytime i go to play.
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