My Crossfire no longer opens.

This started a few weeks ago, up until that point my game had always ran fine.
A few bugs everyone gets now and then, but other then that just fine.
Then it started opening increasing slower, but since I could still log on It didn't matter.
However, soon after my game stopped opening completely.
I don't even get an error..
I click on my starter, the Game Guard logo come up and disappears, then nothing.
I can't even find it in my Task Manager, so I can't force quit it after, and my pc crashes.
I can't figure out why the hell it won't open correctly just out of the blue.
I left my computer afk for about an hour once, and it made a tiny bit of progress.
The Game Guard icon actually came up on my Task bar. -.-
But as you can imagine, I'm not waiting hours for a game that's not worth it to load.

My (XP) computer doesn't suck, its not the worlds best but I always ran CF fine.
No connection lag, my fps was always 70-120. Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 3450

Yes I have tried re-downloading it, 5times actually.
And yes, I have tried downloading it from different mirrors.
I deleted all my previous Crossfire Files, and Game Guard files before I tried to download.
Even though I never had to before, I even added CF to my Firewall exceptions list.

I'm pretty f'ing stuck here, and I would really love some help.
I'm a clan leader and my friends all want me back, so any suggestions will be appreciated.
