Weapon power and damage points
Here is a thread that a few in my clan and I have studied on for Damage points , were you do more damage and with what guns and how the vest and helm bought with ZP is affected..I hope this helps others with any questions they may have on this subject. 
Damage points of the body with Guns. strongest to weakest.
AWM ..any distance .. 1 shot from waste up is 1 kill. legs down 2 shots.
PSG same as AWM unless to far away. The PSG gets less power the further away you are unlike the AWM.
Dragunov.. same as PSG ..
All rifles are 1 shot in the head 4 shots in the chest and 3 shots in the waste and 5 shots in the legs down. Gold weps the same jsut more ammo.
mp5 , adv. close range 1 in head " long range 2 in head " , any range 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.
criss v. and uzi's. any range 2 in head 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.
D eagle , anaconda, 1 shot in the head 2 shots waste up 3 shots legs down. at any range
Vest and Helm. only weps that change damage is low power weps like uzi and low power pistols. all the high power weps ,deagle, rifles, sniper rifles , criss v mp5 is the same with or with out amour..
Studied by HANCOSTFU , Refused and Rigpig from the Dirty Playaz clan

Damage points of the body with Guns. strongest to weakest.
AWM ..any distance .. 1 shot from waste up is 1 kill. legs down 2 shots.
PSG same as AWM unless to far away. The PSG gets less power the further away you are unlike the AWM.
Dragunov.. same as PSG ..
All rifles are 1 shot in the head 4 shots in the chest and 3 shots in the waste and 5 shots in the legs down. Gold weps the same jsut more ammo.
mp5 , adv. close range 1 in head " long range 2 in head " , any range 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.
criss v. and uzi's. any range 2 in head 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.
D eagle , anaconda, 1 shot in the head 2 shots waste up 3 shots legs down. at any range
Vest and Helm. only weps that change damage is low power weps like uzi and low power pistols. all the high power weps ,deagle, rifles, sniper rifles , criss v mp5 is the same with or with out amour..
Studied by HANCOSTFU , Refused and Rigpig from the Dirty Playaz clan


I couldn't think of anything wrong with this EXCEPT;
1.PSG has far less damage then AWM.
2. Dragunov has far less damage then AWM.
3. Helmet protects from 1 shot headshot with most guns (including rifles)
4.Kriss takes about 3-4 to kill in chest, not 5.
5.PSG does same damage no matter what range, same with all sniper rifles, that's why they are called sniper rifles.
6. Deagles are not 2 shot in the chest, 3-4: Annaconda might be i'm not sure i hate it.
7.LOL -
Qoute.(4.Kriss takes about 3-4 to kill in chest, not 5.
5.PSG does same damage no matter what range, same with all sniper rifles, that's why they are called sniper rifles.
6. Deagles are not 2 shot in the chest, 3-4: Annaconda might be i'm not sure i hate it.)
I begg to differ with you on the above statments...
This was tested as I have stated and this is the info. we found out. your more than welcome to check it your selves but im confident you'll get the same results we did.
We checked and rechecked this to make sure of the facts. thats why I have posted it
M4a1 adv, cust.gold. scar light,AK47,all versions, type 89 all did same damage with or with out vest and helm effects on. 1 shot head, 4 shots chest 3 shots waste 5 shots legs down.
D eagle, Anaconda both 1 shot head 2 shots waste up.
Nade.. regular nade has a bit less power than the ZP bought nades as well.
I put this out here as an information thread onlyAny 1 can check this but atm these are the facts, we were suprised as well but as I stated we checked and rechecked this to make sure it was right. there maybe a problem with the game that Z8 is not aware of but im not sure.
Confirmed Above information is correct
The PSG is different from close range to long range
Desert Eagle and Anaconda both are 1 hs kill and 2 shot waste up kill. I also checked this information with a friend that has vest and helm
Thank you for this insightThe Dirty playaz rock
And the awm doesnt kill you in long range if you have buletproof happens to me all the time i get 20 hp
Hmm just checked this in BlackWidow and freind could kill me with AWM from BL to GR spawns, and I have vest and helm effects on.
If he shot me in the leg or below I had 20 hp left. -
Sorry, but I think you made alot of mistakes.
So far I have seen some folks checking this out for them selves and maybe thats what you need to do as well !
Another reason I have studied this is due to the folks that cry about 1 shot kills or the eagle killed them in 2 shots, or why didnt i kill that guy with the PSG and so on. I think alot of people asume things about the game and have never checked it for them selves.
Like the fact that not all shots register in game or a " special kill is in the brain area " only.
A special kill HS has to be above the middle of the forehead or higher . if you aim were the nose of the goggles are on your head or high on the side of the head and back of the head you will get a special kill. but from googles down its just a HS nothing more.
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