Weapon power and damage points

Here is a thread that a few in my clan and I have studied on for Damage points , were you do more damage and with what guns and how the vest and helm bought with ZP is affected..I hope this helps others with any questions they may have on this subject. :)

Damage points of the body with Guns. strongest to weakest.

AWM ..any distance .. 1 shot from waste up is 1 kill. legs down 2 shots.

PSG same as AWM unless to far away. The PSG gets less power the further away you are unlike the AWM.

Dragunov.. same as PSG ..

All rifles are 1 shot in the head 4 shots in the chest and 3 shots in the waste and 5 shots in the legs down. Gold weps the same jsut more ammo.

mp5 , adv. close range 1 in head " long range 2 in head " , any range 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.

criss v. and uzi's. any range 2 in head 5 in chest 4 in waste 6 in legs.

D eagle , anaconda, 1 shot in the head 2 shots waste up 3 shots legs down. at any range

Vest and Helm. only weps that change damage is low power weps like uzi and low power pistols. all the high power weps ,deagle, rifles, sniper rifles , criss v mp5 is the same with or with out amour..

Studied by HANCOSTFU , Refused and Rigpig from the Dirty Playaz clan :)

Injoy :)
