[Tori] Looking for starter position
Yo, looking to start for any team, willing to practice and win.
I don't like losing. I recently gained an ego, and refuse to sub.
(Who knew talking to slaya on a regular basis had side effects
-Anyways if their are any teams looking, and aren't going to waste my time.
Add my xfire; torispelling
-Edit: Was not cut from eotL nor vG*WinOut
eotL I was starter, than rpBigL came back to crossfire, and they wanted to him to start over me. I wasn't willing to sub, so I left.
vG*WinOut I was a starter, than dimo came back, and they wanted to him to start over me. I wasn't willing to sub, so I left.
(I tell that to about 20people everyday.)
I don't like losing. I recently gained an ego, and refuse to sub.
(Who knew talking to slaya on a regular basis had side effects

-Anyways if their are any teams looking, and aren't going to waste my time.
Add my xfire; torispelling
-Edit: Was not cut from eotL nor vG*WinOut
eotL I was starter, than rpBigL came back to crossfire, and they wanted to him to start over me. I wasn't willing to sub, so I left.
vG*WinOut I was a starter, than dimo came back, and they wanted to him to start over me. I wasn't willing to sub, so I left.
(I tell that to about 20people everyday.)
they dont believe you have what it takes to be a starter?
Maybe? But, winout had an already established s5. I just came a long cause their 5th had quit. So I understood.
eotL was just because, Erick+Jkeith+rp. Have so much chemistry from facedown :P -
Either that or because richie is just an overall better player.
Catch 22. In my opinion. He has a nice shot, but baits.
When he isn't baiting someone, if he dies it's never his fault.
Always an excuse. Ie: MouseLock, KeyboardLock, Horrid game, He couldn't hear, No reg, He might be cheating, It was someone elses fault he died. Etc....
With all that added up, he just ='s Ryangi part2.
Edit;- I don't wana be flamed for my opinion. Because everyone has their own. -
Catch 22. In my opinion. He has a nice shot, but baits.
When he isn't baiting someone, if he dies it's never his fault.
Always an excuse. Ie: MouseLock, KeyboardLock, Horrid game, He couldn't hear, No reg, He might be cheating, It was someone elses fault he died. Etc....
With all that added up, he just ='s Ryangi part2.
I've played with richie for 3 years, and I know him.
He does that **** just clowning, Who are you again?
EDIT: If that came off as flaming I didn't mean it. -
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