cutlikesage is pretty much the best team in this game.

So basically, this game is boring with a slow community and no leagues. So, until ESG comes, I need something to do.

cut like sage is currently looking for CF players who are also willing to play Urban Terror competitively.

(Urban Terror is an FPS which is pretty much Quake mixed with CS. xFire me for more info, I can't post anything here without it being deleted.)

  • Mumble and a mic
  • Be able to scrim CF at 7 EST onwards on most weekends. (This will be our regular time to play 100% play CF)
  • Be able to scrim UrT most evenings
  • Have completed the jump map "ut4_happyjumptutorial" within one week of joining cLs (seriously, it's easy **** that gets you acquainted with how to move properly)
  • Be kool beans.
xFire colossalkoala for more information or you're looking to join. We'll be playing TS (Elimination), not CTF.
