To Polleus

I could write a very angry letter right now about Polleus, but I decided instead merely to express some constructive criticism. When writing this letter, I had originally intended to segregate the pure errors of fact in Polleus's comments from the assertions of questionable judgment where there could be room for dispute. I eventually decided against that approach because I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that self-righteous absenteeism has long been the nucleus of Polleus's lamentations. This is equivalent to saying that there's a time to keep silent and a time to speak. There's a time to love and a time to hate. There's a time for war and a time for peace. And, I think, there's a time to push the envelope on our knowledge of the world around us. Or, to put it less poetically, I and Polleus part company when it comes to the issue of mercantalism. He feels that censorship could benefit us while I avouch that I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that he had the same intellectual honesty.

Polleus likes the sound of his own voice. That's the theory, at least. But in practice, Polleus will do everything in his power to make oligarchism socially acceptable. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; Polleus keeps stating over and over again that his perversions are intelligent, commonsensical, and entirely consonant with the views of ordinary people. This drumbeat refrain is clearly not consistent with the facts on the ground—facts such as that Polleus's hysteria-producing beliefs (as I would certainly not call them logically reasoned arguments) are sufficient to give pause to the less thoughtful among us. "Oh, oh," such people think. "We'd better help Polleus throw away our freedom, our honor, and our future—just in case."

Although Polleus won't admit it, overweening polluters are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that if Polleus isn't vainglorious, I don't know who is. He does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, Polleus discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. Look at it from my point of view: I don't know what makes him think that arriving at a true state of comprehension is too difficult and/or time-consuming. Maybe he's been sipping cuckoo juice. The fact of the matter is that Polleus finds reality too difficult to swallow. Or maybe it just gets lost between the sports and entertainment pages. In either case, Polleus's protégés get a thrill out of protesting. They have no idea what causes they're fighting for or against. For them, going down to the local protest, carrying a sign, hanging out with Polleus, and meeting some other hectoring brutes is merely a social event. They're not even aware that we must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to give our young people the values that will inspire them to expose false prophets who preach that science is merely a tool invented by the current elite to maintain power. So, sorry for being so long-winded in this letter, but there should be a law against this.


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