]-[elP is the clan for you!

Ok guys new clan looking for pro's and positive k/d's

New clan made today
Name: ]-[elP
Are they good: Yes very good
Do we hack: NEVER!
What rank am i: Lieutenant class 3
Website to clan: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=47283

Ok if you decide you want to be a lieutenant in the clan... The first two spots are for 2 good players with a rank SFC or above and must be active.

If your low rank and quite active and want to become one then you can also buy the spot for your self all you do is donate 1000zp (1k zp) and BAM your a lieutenant

If you want zp items but cant afford then just donate your last little bits or even better, 1k zp or more then we can buy all clan members zp items so yeah join us today

Apply now if you think your what i explained at http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=47283
