Censor Re.tarte.dne.ss?

I'm going to get banned. Just trying to bring yall Mods to attention.

1. Ape - African-American / African - An offensive word used to label an African American, meaning uncleanly or to be neanderthal like.

2. Beaner - Mexican-American / Mexican / Central American - Term widely regarded as derogatory, that refers to people of Mexican descent or, more specifically, mestizos of Central American descent.

3. Boong - Australian-American / Australian - Referring to an Australian aborigine, meaning dead, infected or dysfunctional.

4. Buddhahead - Asian decent - used by Calvinist author R. J. Rushdoony in one of his books.

5. Camel Jockey - Middle Eastern decent - An insulting term for people of Middle Eastern descent.

6. Charlie - Vietnamese-American / Vietnamese - Non-pejorative slang term used by American troops as a shorthand term for Vietnamese guerrillas.

7. Cheese-eating surrender monkey- French-American / French - From the defeat of the French against the German in 1940, and the huge variety of cheeses originating from France. Gained popularity after the term was used on an episode of The Simpsons.

8. Ching Chong - Chinese / Eastern Asian - Mocking the language of or a person of perceived Chinese or East Asian descent.

9. Cholo - Native American / African / Mexican / Central American - Used in Latin America to refer to people of perceived Amerindian or African slaves descent; used in the USA to refer to people of perceived Mestizo descent, especially teenagers and young people in the lowrider subculture.

10. Chug - Canadian - Refers to an individual of aboriginal descent.

11. Coon - African-American / African - A black person.

12. Crow - African-American / African - A black person.

13. Curry-muncher/Curry-slurper - East Indian Decent - A person of East Indian origin.

14. Dago - Italian / Spanish / Portuguese - Refers to Italians, Spaniards, or Portuguese, possibly derived from the Spanish name Diego.

15. Dink - Asian / Vietnamese - An Asian, especially a Vietnamese. Also used as a disparaging term for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War.

16. Dogan - Irish - An Irish Catholic.

17. Doon Coon - Arabian - Derogatory term used for Arabs.

18. Flip - "Filipino" - A derogatory term for "Filipinos".

19. Fritz - German - A German.

20. Gringo - White Dude - A foreigner, especially used disparagingly against North Americans and North Europeans in Latin America.

*** And they censor: sh0rt and awes0me.
