Convince me.



  • still trying to figure out why m4 and ak are allowed. talk about skilless weapons.

    oh i get it now. they're all iconic guns.
  • 20 meters away and it can kill 2 people. Alright, well I don't see what the huge problem is, it's not like it's an overpowered pistol. It's reload is slower then the Colt, p228, almost any other regular GP pistol out there. If you ask me there is more guns out there that is overpowered. I mean what are the chances of someone getting a 20 Meter double head shot in a league match anyways. Most teams don't necessarily use there pistol.

    If you take it out, you could lose a certain amount of teams, right now with the Cross Fire competitive community slowly wittling out. I would keep some minor stuff to get the community interested and bring back teams to play in it. Just my thoughts, if you want to discuss this more you can talk to me on xfire. praiseworthy
  • xtrapfever wrote: »
    still trying to figure out why m4 and ak are allowed. talk about skilless weapons.

    oh i get it now. they're all iconic guns.

    huh ?
  • some things are are just not meant to be questioned
  • Don't relate Crossfire to Counter Strike because they are different games. Honestly, now that i think of it the deagle is slightly over-powered.

    @Doop have you ever tried sniping with the colt? It quick switches really fast so that would help scopes. Plus it's hella fun. :P
  • I got a great idea. Lets have scrims with just knifes. Not OP in any way every1 has one leeeeego!
  • I got a great idea. Lets have scrims with just knifes. Not OP in any way every1 has one leeeeego!

    xfire msg2shrt
  • dooplpk wrote: »
    because without the deagle youll see even less people using scopes

    my thoughts.

    why this is even being discussed is beyond me.
  • Do you want everyone to use M700/M16 aswell?

    Rofl. I guess it would take out a lot of this gibberish.
  • The deagle is somewhat required to make sniper play viable. Besides it only two shots at very close range in the stomach. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've two shotted someone in the years I've been playing.

    I would be all in favor of banning it from league play and replacing it with the anaconda, a much more balanced alternative.
  • How some people still manage to blow with the deag is beyond me.
  • Pist0la wrote: »
    How some people still manage to blow with the deag is beyond me.

    Like Fresh ? [:
  • @ appliedlogic who I forgot to quote

    I'm king lord tyrant.
    Phenatik wrote: »
    i see what you mean, i just don;t see the point

    The question in this thread is whether or not the deagle is balanced as a secondary when compared to primaries, and whether or not it fits the role of secondary better than other weapons.
    nzNIP wrote: »
    The Deagle is a symbolic pistol in 90% of FPS games, and often is the best or prefered handgun.


    It's not really OP... It's only 2 shot kill if you get the 2 bullets perfectly on the body/stomack,

    Nope, from closer range than 20 meters you can do up to 61 damage off a body shot. There is a decent margin of error up to a certain point before the area really gets narrow. Even if you hit one shot that does over 50 damage, then the other shot can still land outside the margin, so long as it does enough damage to make 100.

    which with the ping differences and just lack fluid game dynamics in CF is not always easy.

    As stated before, ping affects all weapons and in specific situations. Irrelevant.

    It's easy to access since all events over the world allow it

    So are colts and M9s.

    and it's a good sniper companion, so you are not totally useless with a deagle vs a rifler.

    Here the argument that's interesting.

    Dinosauras wrote: »
    The deagle is used because it is the most powerful pistol, following your logic we should go ahead and ban the awm for being 1shot kill and go around using m700s. no guns can ever be balanced completely,the fact that you choose to use a colt is entirely your decision- however unwise.

    look at cs for instance, deagle is the most common buy second round( unless bomb is planted), does this make it overpowered? no it simply makes it the better option ( 1 shot in the head and they will die).

    in conclusion, stop nitpicking mate guns will never be 100% equal unless we all use the same one. and because they won't be, use the best ones so you're not at a disadvantage.

    1. Comparisons to CS are stupid.

    2. People use both the M4 and AK, as well as many other rifles.

    Yes, the deagle is used because it is the most powerful pistol, however the question is whether or not it should be allowed to be used. The awm is balanced with rifles, the M700 is not. Limiting guns to the least powerful is not the goal, the goal is getting a balanced ruleset.
    dooplpk wrote: »
    because without the deagle youll see even less people using scopes

    Gimme some logic. I see it but it's better if it's phrased by the person arguing it.
    DatBabee wrote: »
    20 meters away and it can kill 2 people.
    Alright, well I don't see what the huge problem is, it's not like it's an overpowered pistol. It's reload is slower then the Colt, p228, almost any other regular GP pistol out there. If you ask me there is more guns out there that is overpowered. I mean what are the chances of someone getting a 20 Meter double head shot in a league match anyways. Most teams don't necessarily use there pistol.

    @ 20m it can two hit kill one person, please read more carefully next time.

    @ The reload is negligeble to secondary weapons, as they're used to finish enemies off. Yes, you will have to reload them, however if we base our secondaries on being able to easily kill full health opponents, they stop becoming secondaries.
    DatBabee wrote: »
    If you take it out, you could lose a certain amount of teams, right now with the Cross Fire competitive community slowly wittling out.

    I'd like to see logic.
    SuuKo wrote: »
    Do you want everyone to use M700/M16 aswell?

    Rofl. I guess it would take out a lot of this gibberish.

    Explained before on goose's response, using the lowest damage weapons is not the point or argument of this thread.
  • sLaNtkums wrote: »
    The deagle is somewhat required to make sniper play viable.

    Like I said in my response but you couldn't have read because it was posted after this, I really want to see the logic presented on this. Valid argument needs arguing.

    sLaNtkums wrote: »
    Besides it only two shots at very close range in the stomach. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've two shotted someone in the years I've been playing.

    Really? I've been two shotted more times than I can count.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    Like I said in my response but you couldn't have read because it was posted after this, I really want to see the logic presented on this. Valid argument needs arguing.

    Well, i think because the deagle is somewhat over-power most snipers use their deagle more than their sniper, and taking the deagle out some of them will go rifle. In my opinion sniping was to easy anyway, because of the deagle killing in 2-3 shots on the body. If you take away the deagle it would help the community in a way that if you were scoping then you would have to be a good scope shot.
  • Well, i think because the deagle is somewhat over-power most snipers use their deagle more than their sniper, and taking the deagle out some of them will go rifle. In my opinion sniping was to easy anyway, because of the deagle killing in 2-3 shots on the body. If you take away the deagle it would help the community because if you were scoping then you would have to be a good scope shot.

    and we would all have to take lessons from sheepbacon
  • Phenatik wrote: »
    and we would all have to take lessons from sheepbacon

    People would have to rely on their scope shot more than there deagle spray.
  • Well, i think because the deagle is somewhat over-power most snipers use their deagle more than their sniper, and taking the deagle out some of them will go rifle. In my opinion sniping was to easy anyway, because of the deagle killing in 2-3 shots on the body. If you take away the deagle it would help the community because if you were scoping then you would have to be a good scope shot.

    so stupid...
  • so stupid...

    We all know you can't awp that's why you spam your secondary!
  • so stupid...

    indeed ****ing moron trying to lick denxi balls pfft
  • Denxi wrote: »
    Why should the deagle, a gun that can 2 shot people from up to 20 meters away, be legal as a secondary weapon in competitive play.

    Convince me or you'll all be buying colts by next year.

    its the 7 bullet deag.... isnt op, deag is an essentail part of competitive cf, removing it or ppl that want it remove are, well essentialy a joke, wots next....comeptitive cf m16,m700,m9 only....fuucking looling at u, youl all be using colts next year, shut up srsly 80% competitive player wont be playing this game next year....Your a ****...
    I have spoken

    Making a thread why he commuinty should prove to you that the deag should be allowed in competitive cf ahahhaha mate....GET A FUUKING GRIP
  • BoosAlt wrote: »
    its the 7 bullet deag.... isnt op, deag is an essentail part of competitive cf

    How so? It's easy to state ideas without any supporting evidence.
    BoosAlt wrote: »
    removing it or ppl that want it remove are, well essentialy a joke,

    How so? It's easy to state ideas without any supporting evidence.
    BoosAlt wrote: »
    wots next....comeptitive cf m16,m700,m9 only....

    No. If you read the thread, it's about getting a balanced ruleset, not lowering the amout of weapons people use.

    BoosAlt wrote: »
    fuucking looling at u, youl all be using colts next year, shut up srsly 80% competitive player wont be playing this game next year....Your a ****...
    I have spoken

    Try not to focus on the fun-threat I used to get people interested in the idea itself, and try to focus on the actual idea. Posts without arguments and logic waste both the poster and the reader's time.
    ngacross wrote: »
    indeed ****ing moron trying to lick denxi balls pfft

    Agreeing with me is licking my balls? Cool.
  • On comparison to other game's the mean's in which serve a template for sucessful competitive play..


    stupid thread
  • BoosAlt wrote: »

    Making a thread why he commuinty should prove to you that the deag should be allowed in competitive cf ahahhaha mate....GET A FUUKING GRIP

    Get a grip on what? Reality?

    Are you against people asking religious groups to explain their ideas to them?

    I would like to have it explained to me why the Deagle, a gun which can act as a second primary, should be allowed to be continued to be used as a secondary. Why is me trying to understand more a bad thing?
  • BoosAlt wrote: »
    On comparison to other game's the mean's in which serve a template for sucessful competitive play..


    stupid thread

    CS:S uses a money system to decide which guns you get per round, and you have to earn said guns. This is not in effect with CF, so comparisions hold no ground.
  • The real question is why the Anaconda is allowed, even while it's 2 shots to kill even further than 20 meters.

    It's simple logic, people just assimilate themselves to the rules society gives out, in order to feel like they're part of the group and be accepted. Most of the people that say, "WOGL Rules!" will probably never, and yes, I'm being blunt, play in a playoff match.

    I just think that rules are there to restrict people from taking advantage of the game.