
I was thinkin (dont flame,idea is from MGO and i think its pretty cool) if people had the following ranks in their name wich can be seen at the end of each game and can be multyple wich means you can get more than one.

MNP:(MostNoobPlayer) player that made less damage in game(like MVP and ACE)

Sloth:Player that got killed mostly with headshots.
Eagle:Player that made most headshots.
Hyena:Person with the most kill steals/most kills with less damage.
Chicken:Player with less steps made(camping)
Shark:Player with most knife kills.
Buffalo:Player with most body kills.
Bunny:Player with most jumps.
Turtle:Player with the most damage taken.

If you can think more than post them.

This can be get at the end of a game OR each player can have one in particular(depending wich one you get the most in game) wich can be viewed in profile.

I know its 99% it wont be used but well tell me what you think.
