Looking for Clan!

Well i used to play Semi-Professionally as i would like to call it, in a Clan called Team-Inexorable.

Unfortunately, for some strange reason, one day the clan disbanded.

Im looking for a clan, not just a clan, more like a family.

I want a clan that plays Professionally, Strategically, and is Serious when its down to a Scrim.

The kind of clan that could possibly make it to a Tournament, im into this for the Competition, not just for fun.

But i also want a clan that we could just chill sometimes, talk ****, laugh at each other.

Only accepting invites from clans that have Vent+Mic.

Since i am just returning to Cross fire, my Performance is a little rusty, but with some practice ill be back to my Pro days xD

Well, post away!

P.S. I specialize with Scoped Assault Rifles, AUG,SGG52
