Str8-Wrecked 1v1 Tournament.

Str8-Wrecked will be hosting a 1v1 Tournament this Saturday, 10/8/11.

The first 32 people to sign up on this very thread will be participating. The matches will go on all Saturday, finals on Sunday.

Sign-up format:
  • Crossfire IGN
  • Ventrilo Name

You will be required to be on Str8-Wrecked Gaming Ventrilo while playing.
no pass

As far as an anti-cheat goes, GROWLER will be required. I know it's not an anti-cheat but from what I can tell, it is better than fraps, and will be easier to use.

There will also be 50k ZP prize to the winner, all matches excluding the final four will be played on Saturday, final four resuming Sunday at 5:00 pm EST. Matches will start on Saturday, around 1:00 pm EST. If you're late for your match, you will have 10 minutes of leeway, after that, it will be an automatic forfeit.

Hope to see many competitors and that this is a success so we can hopefully run more. Any questions contact me via xfire(flowout) or pm me right here on Z8Games forums.

Good luck :D
