New Multi-Gaming Team

Hi, I and the leaders of [102nd] Army Airborne Rangers will be having a public meeting tonight at 8 PM EST sharp - that is eight o'clock sharp - we are currently searching for captains for our games as well as regular players. Don't miss this opportunity to play competitively.
We are a multi-gaming group for games such as Crossfire and others and play in competitive tournaments.
We are currently looking for players that show the following -
1. Not Cheating - meaning no programs that help
2. Mature - meaning players who play well and show respect to one another
3. Must be 18+ - just to be on the safe side

Our Place Of Meeting -
Ventrilo - Hostname / IP: - Port: 7778
First 20 Players only - server has a max of 25 people and is public
Website -
