Competitive Players That You Want to Play With

On the back of a heated debate in this thread and after some discussion with Denxi himself we've decided to try something new to help the competitive community grow on these forums.

Below will feature a list of the MVP's of the Competitive Community. And by MVP I don't just mean people who will carry your Black Widow failures to victory. We mean people who are cool to play with, hang around, throw insults at on vent (or receive from if you're in to that kind of thing) and just generally the tops of the competitive community.

The point here is that promoting the positives about the good people is equally as good as humiliating those who we hate playing with (hackers etc).

So we do expect some trash talk here, maybe some pointless QQing and spam and some of it will be tolerated as long as your within the forum rules, which are still paramount. So lets see if the competitive community can keep things positive and police themselves. The more good that comes from these things the better everyone (including the game) is going to look when we want to try new stuff in the future.

Please note that off subject posts could potentially be removed. We'll be looking at this thread, if we find better ways of doing something like this then we'll go from there.

We'll also be looking for a new title for this thread, suggestions welcome!

I'll start it off by telling you all about one of the Cooler People in the Competitive Community.

Player: Denxi
Profile Page:
Why you should play with this guy:
Denxi is one of the more recognizable characters in the competitive community, and I say character on purpose because his personality is as big as his in game skills are. He'll be the first to call you out for doing something wrong, and probably be right, but he's also active and always open to playing some games. And did I mention he made one of my favorite CF vids? The competitive community wouldn't be the same with Denxi so make sure to play with this CF Regular!
