Doop's awping guide repost

Note i'm not a sniper, i prefer rifle in every game. Could be better, but I don't feel like making crossfire specific videos from my demos. Sorry

This thread is in response to aTasteyLime’s “awn” guide
I felt that in a community with such little information as this one, publishing a big pile of crap like that guide and then using it to boost one’s own ego by calling people out in the thread to a 1v1 was just dumb. I’m spending an hour or so out of my Sunday night to write this up.

If you try to flame me or argue with me, I really don’t care. I am better than you at video games, doesn’t matter what you say. If you really want to know how to get good at crossfire jump around a lot, start a bunch of downloads so you ping high, and join clan Throne.

If you are curious about some random guys thoughts about using an awm continue reading, if not click back on your browser and go read an interesting thread about people crying about being kicked from a pub, complaints of hackers ruining the game, or someone thinking that having to pay with real money for a battle axe is dumb.

Whether it is cogu of mibr with his awp, robwiz of doctors with his baretta .50, or civ of infensus with his mauser, every game has its version of a sniper rifle, and players known for being deadly from afar.

Most modern themed first person shooters have some variant of a sniper rifle known as the Artic Warfare Magnum. For a generalized description and history of the AWM refer to this link

Never since I started playing first person shooters have I been a top “sniper” in a game, or even used a “sniper” competitively. I have always been a rifle type of person all the way back to my days on socom2. I do however have a basic understanding of ingame strategies and the role of awpers on different types of teams.

If there is a positive reception to this thread, and I find myself bored during the next week I will go over angles/positioning, but for now I am just going to go over basic playstyles.

A player can use various playstyles when using an awm: soloing, going for a lead pick, throwing a pick fake, and counter picking. The term pick is short for picking off another player.

Before I go into detail on the various types of play styles it is important for me to give you a general explanation of different types of picks. Here are some various methods you can use to get a pick.
