Looking for a team.

I came to cf 3 days ago and met some cool people. Pubbing is getting quite boring so I want to find a team that I can run matches with. I'm not to great yet but I do want to build up some experience within the competitive part of the game.

- M4.
- No sidearm yet.
- Familiar with main S&D maps.
- I learn quick and listen.

IGN: css.trucked

Last Minute: I'm not looking for an interigation on my background like some of the echo8 players have tried to do so I am going to answer some questions right now.

- I have not played cs competitively. [Not saying I can't; saying I haven't.]
- I have played cs coming up on two years now.
- If I can convince them to come I might have some buddies coming over too.

