EnabLed is Recruiting

EnabLed is looking for members. We are looking for all types of scrim members and also people who just play for fun.

1. No raging, rage-quitting, name calling, etc
2. No hackusations
3. No hacking, glitching, or spamming
4. Listen to the Leader/Lt at all times.
5. Be respectful to everyone
6. No scrimming without ventrlio
8. Be Active and have fun

1. Age
2. Kill/death ratio (1.0+)
3. Language (Any is welcome to join)
4. How much you play (hours per day)
5. Who told you to apply

If you want a tryout contact me or a Lt ingame
We got ventrilo.

IGN: xX[Vortec]Xx
Xfire: v0rt3c

Clan link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=44284
