How "not to get kicked" guide.

This guide will give you some tips that can help you not getting kicked.

Since the majority of the players comes from Brasil (or speaks Portuguese), you can't really defend yourself by speaking English, since Portuguese speakers usually hate "gringos" alias Americans or English speakers. (This guide is mainly for S&D and Elimination)

- Encouraging your team:
1. Say "boa" when someone of your team do a good kill. (boa = nice)
2. Say "boa tem :)" at the end of a round. (boa tem = good job team)
By being nice with your team, they may not want to kick you later.

- Sometimes, you're in 1vs1 and your team is watching you. The opponent is low HP and when you kill him, it looked like a 1 hit. When this happens, just say something like: "Aff 6 HP XD". This way your team will know why it looked like a 1 hit.

- Kick your team hackers. If you kick the hackers in your team, the opponent team will be grateful and they may not f11 you if a votekick opens against you.

- Stay polite with your team and also the other team. If you're always like "fck you noob hac.ker", this guy will f11 you all the way.

- Avoid spamming/QQing or any English talk.

- Finally, the most difficult part: Not getting kicked after a 3 or more streak kill. I personally get kicked 75% of the time after doing this. There is no miracle to avoid getting kicked after a 3 or more streak kill since most of the players see this situation as obvious hack -,-
But if you respected all the tips up above, you have more chance of not getting kicked!
