How does that work...(WCG)

Well this is my first time being around in a looong time. Just was caught a little off guard when I was reading about WCG. It's weird enough that all qualifies will be online but the trip takes the cake. Since when is Crossfire and LoLegends bigger then the all mighty SC2 and 1.6? It's not like I am competing or really care about free trips but man that just seems odd...

CF I can sort of understand because of the extremely large Asian base but even then it doesn't compare to 1.6 in any shape or form. The teams are more skilled and more stable and the game is just far better. What was the purpose of giving players with almost no LAN experience/stage experience with free trips rather than some of the best 1.6 players in the world?

As for LoL...since when was this bigger then 1.6 or SC2 on a world scale?

Just thought I would stop in after months and post something. Just didnt make any sense to make the lesser games get the professional luxuries and the real competitive games have to pay their own way..

oh and the WOGL client completely fcking who's client are people going to be using for this "ONLINE AS FCK" qualifier?

I haven't really played since last november(except a little with c2) so I have no clue who is playing this game these days. But if I remember online play at all, instinct seemed really good but very fishy at times and mindplay(in scrims) was unstoppable, like **** your face you wont get 2 rounds good, but then came match time completely blew donkey ****.

Who are the top contenders these days and who are online as all hell? This qualifier should be interesting...


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