~~~i need a clan!~~~
Hey, my IGN is anitarium and i'm clanless. I am looking for a medium to larged sized clan that scrims often. My K/D is somewhere around 1.8 to 1.9. I have Xfire and Vent and a mic. Preferably a clan where I stand a chance of being a lieutenant some day. Some of my past clans were, Prodigy, [A]narchy, some bad clans I made, and other clans that I forgot the names of.
http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5206223 <----ME
http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5206223 <----ME
I probably shouldnt be saying this as half of their leadership hate me but... Try LuckyBrigade. Last time I checked they were a medium sized clan and they used to scrim a lot, not sure if they still do. Only problem you would have would be getting an LT spot as they require you to get 1000 clan points before you get made LT. -
1.0+ KDR and Active
No Hacks or Glitches
we got ventrilo
Anyone can Join but you got to try out for the scrim team, Just contact Me, Jwuuuuuut or xXOutlaw1Xx for a tryout
Clan link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=44284
IGN: xX[Vortec]Xx
Xfire: v0rt3c -
Hello Sanitarium, My ING is Landrover2 I am an lt in the clan Sanitarium. Yes that is the name of the clan we are an invite only clan. You rank is great as well as your K/D. We Scrim and play every night. We are ranked 20th with about 58 members at this time. We are looking for great players that will be loyal to the clan. We would like to invite you to apply. As for the LT spot there is always movement in the clan and active members that play well and help out with the clan will away be looked at. I hope to see you on the roster. -
I probably shouldnt be saying this as half of their leadership hate me but... Try LuckyBrigade. Last time I checked they were a medium sized clan and they used to scrim a lot, not sure if they still do. Only problem you would have would be getting an LT spot as they require you to get 1000 clan points before you get made LT.
Woow... suprised me with this, well i respect u more for saying this tho.
@ anitarium http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=9126, All the information you need about luckybrigade.
As Pitbull stated, we require 1000 clanpoints for the next lieutenant because we only want loyal and trustworthy people to lead the clan. -
Woow... suprised me with this, well i respect u more for saying this tho.
@ anitarium http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=9126, All the information you need about luckybrigade.
As Pitbull stated, we require 1000 clanpoints for the next lieutenant because we only want loyal and trustworthy people to lead the clan.
Why? I never hated on LB. iseeu got angry coz i left (not sure why, u would have to ask him that) and started flaming me so obviously i flamed back. Then dren got involved for no reason and from there it ended up about 10 people getting involved. Still, I like to think that I got on well with a few people in LB. Unlike some people though im not childish enough to make a bad comment about a clan at every opportunity just because of an arguement. -
Try BLD-L3GENDS. We are good n stuff, got a fully working vent server. Recently cleared out the clan, now we are recruiting again. You could probably end up being a Lt if you do a lot of Lt stuff
Apply, we will try you out after you've been accepted. Just makes things easier
I would put a link, but I'm just too cool. -
What a boss.
We are looking for some decent members, we already got a couple but yeah, hit me up on xfire (ethernalzz) if you want to hang out with us.
http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=17944Ohh a skilled player
If You want To be the Best, You must Join the Best
**The_Mole**If you want i put you LT
http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=46688Woow... suprised me with this, well i respect u more for saying this tho.
@ anitarium http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=9126, All the information you need about luckybrigade.
As Pitbull stated, we require 1000 clanpoints for the next lieutenant because we only want loyal and trustworthy people to lead the clan.vaporizer420 wrote: »We just hit 494 and I got some pro people on my team. I'd be glad to have you here.
Leaning towards these ones, anymore offers? -
Sanitarium202 wrote: »Hey, my IGN is anitarium and i'm clanless. I am looking for a medium to larged sized clan that scrims often. My K/D is somewhere around 1.8 to 1.9. I have Xfire and Vent and a mic. Preferably a clan where I stand a chance of being a lieutenant some day. Some of my past clans were, Prodigy, [A]narchy, some bad clans I made, and other clans that I forgot the names of.
http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5206223 <----ME
pretty sure u forgot one ^^
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