BLD-L3GENDS Recruiting

Hey yall, It's BLD-east from BLD-L3GENDS we consider ourselfs as a family over here at BLD-L3GENDS and pride ourselfs in being the most legit clan out there we make sure no of our members are hacking.
We are Rank 27 and recruiting.

What is expected of you:
-1.8 KDR.
-Decently skilled in all modes.
-Well mannered and a good sense of humor.

What we have to offer you:
-A warm welcome into the clan.
-Regular Scrimming.

Our Rule's:
1. No hacking.
2. Respect all clan members .
3. No arguing with people on vent.
4. Listen to the Lt's of the clan.
5. If your are going to be out for a long period of time or short period of time let "Lt's know or the "Leader" if you do not you will be kicked for being inactive.
6.Try to get 15-20 clan points a week and we will be happy.
7. Finally must have "Fast Defuse"

Our Appliction:
-Kdr :
-Vent/Mic :
-If you don't have vent, can you get it?:
-How active are you/What hours do you play(EST)?:
-Where do you live & your Time Zone?:
-How old are you? :
-What other clans were you in before:
-Are you [L]egit/Did you ever hack :

One last thing if you are suspected of hacking our leader godspeed will TeamView you and he is a computer programmer so he will find any hack's you have/had even if you delete them.

That's pretty much it :) Hope to see yall over here.

