The i0nz Report
*Before reading, I didn't write this in essay style or for any style of you English nerds to dissect, thats not what this is for... get over it*
Alright so Ive played the game long enough now (2 and a half months) to draw my own conclusions on how competitive play operates in CF and things that I feel are an issue or need to at the very least be addressed
the first and foremost thing on my mind is boosting...
I cant find a legitimate reason to not allow single boosts (1 boost on top of another player, stacking boosts would be to initially boost one person boost another and the two players who were boosted up boost on each other to reach I higher point in the map)...
Ive heard about people complaining about how 1 sided some boosts are but all in all thats just whining and stupid badgering... Id like to direct you to some boosts that were considered to be too 1 sided to "allow" according to players opinions.. the light in Subbase, people complained that it was "unstoppable", but much like the boost in Subbase, de_nuke has the exact same kind of boost, actually 3 or 4 of similar boosts that are even deadlier if played correctly, but is that even worth complaining about? doesn't it show ingenuity of the players and teams to research these boosts use them and win rounds? isn't that what competition is all about?
Why not reward a team who spends the time to think of something creative, execute it and profit in wins for it? It really doesn't make sense at all why its not allowed, if for 12 some odd years in CS it was never an issue, why is it so here?
Mexico: now running off boosting, this was the only issue that came up in terms of boosts that people didn't want to see happening, and if anyone knows this game you've probably seen heard or know about the boost I'm talking about that gets you on top of the roofs... My question is, if this is such a problem with the map itself, why is it in the competitive rotation anyways? if it clearly has bugs or unbalancing things that make the map random (we'll get to that in a second) how can it be considered a map for the regular season?
Ive scrimmed Mexico a few times now and came to a few conclusions that one, if a person gets particular spawns on T side he can potentially score a 3k off the start of the round by rushing middle, the same possibilities can be given to a guy rushing water off 1 particular spawn... the problem is.. is chance! We've now played a couple of scrims where we dont even get those spawns and that give the GR side a significant advantage in rounds, it comes pretty difficult to pick up rounds as I'm sure most of you know, especially if the team in question plays GR really smart and plays passive (leave mid open) or there defaults in random unpredictable order.. say we get the spawns in question, that just ruins the flow of the game and ends up destroying a teams momentum (sometimes for both teams)... What mind boggles me the most however is the teams lack of knowledge of the uses of these spawns... we scrimmed EOTL the other night on BW and they were flabbergasted at how fast we were getting to middle and 3king them for easy rounds, that aside you catch my drift at how stupid and random it is
Adding new maps to the rotation: This I cant even understand... especially considering these maps are added mid season, how the hell can you do this to teams? z8 releases a new map and without hesitation or investigation its immediately added to the rotation, especially a map like compound where its a complete clone of every other map why even bother adding it to the rotation, its not going to benefit competitive play in any way, or diversify it? so why bother its a stupid map and its a waste of effort on the leagues part to modify the rules... you really cant expect a team to just accept that a map is going to be played during the most important matches in the season without having the chance to scrim it like a few days before... I'm just rambling at this point, point is, its dumb and it serves and an unnecessary equalizer that should be avoided, you cant be guaranteed that the right team will win, if the map hasn't even been broken in after a week from its release...
I have a lot more to complain about, but no energy to write it down right now.. soon I guess ill get to it
Alright so Ive played the game long enough now (2 and a half months) to draw my own conclusions on how competitive play operates in CF and things that I feel are an issue or need to at the very least be addressed
the first and foremost thing on my mind is boosting...
I cant find a legitimate reason to not allow single boosts (1 boost on top of another player, stacking boosts would be to initially boost one person boost another and the two players who were boosted up boost on each other to reach I higher point in the map)...
Ive heard about people complaining about how 1 sided some boosts are but all in all thats just whining and stupid badgering... Id like to direct you to some boosts that were considered to be too 1 sided to "allow" according to players opinions.. the light in Subbase, people complained that it was "unstoppable", but much like the boost in Subbase, de_nuke has the exact same kind of boost, actually 3 or 4 of similar boosts that are even deadlier if played correctly, but is that even worth complaining about? doesn't it show ingenuity of the players and teams to research these boosts use them and win rounds? isn't that what competition is all about?
Why not reward a team who spends the time to think of something creative, execute it and profit in wins for it? It really doesn't make sense at all why its not allowed, if for 12 some odd years in CS it was never an issue, why is it so here?
Mexico: now running off boosting, this was the only issue that came up in terms of boosts that people didn't want to see happening, and if anyone knows this game you've probably seen heard or know about the boost I'm talking about that gets you on top of the roofs... My question is, if this is such a problem with the map itself, why is it in the competitive rotation anyways? if it clearly has bugs or unbalancing things that make the map random (we'll get to that in a second) how can it be considered a map for the regular season?
Ive scrimmed Mexico a few times now and came to a few conclusions that one, if a person gets particular spawns on T side he can potentially score a 3k off the start of the round by rushing middle, the same possibilities can be given to a guy rushing water off 1 particular spawn... the problem is.. is chance! We've now played a couple of scrims where we dont even get those spawns and that give the GR side a significant advantage in rounds, it comes pretty difficult to pick up rounds as I'm sure most of you know, especially if the team in question plays GR really smart and plays passive (leave mid open) or there defaults in random unpredictable order.. say we get the spawns in question, that just ruins the flow of the game and ends up destroying a teams momentum (sometimes for both teams)... What mind boggles me the most however is the teams lack of knowledge of the uses of these spawns... we scrimmed EOTL the other night on BW and they were flabbergasted at how fast we were getting to middle and 3king them for easy rounds, that aside you catch my drift at how stupid and random it is
Adding new maps to the rotation: This I cant even understand... especially considering these maps are added mid season, how the hell can you do this to teams? z8 releases a new map and without hesitation or investigation its immediately added to the rotation, especially a map like compound where its a complete clone of every other map why even bother adding it to the rotation, its not going to benefit competitive play in any way, or diversify it? so why bother its a stupid map and its a waste of effort on the leagues part to modify the rules... you really cant expect a team to just accept that a map is going to be played during the most important matches in the season without having the chance to scrim it like a few days before... I'm just rambling at this point, point is, its dumb and it serves and an unnecessary equalizer that should be avoided, you cant be guaranteed that the right team will win, if the map hasn't even been broken in after a week from its release...
I have a lot more to complain about, but no energy to write it down right now.. soon I guess ill get to it
Just allow boosting, but disallow certain boosts. For example Mexico Alley, if someone does it. You can save replay/screenshot and automatic DQ. The map itself should not be removed from the rotation just because of one boost. Just prohibit it.
And i like the new maps added, the more maps the better. It gets boring playing the same 3 popular maps or w/e. But i definetly agree with boosting, it should be allowed next season in WOGL and in ESL i think its allowed. -
Just allow boosting, but disallow certain boosts. For example Mexico Alley, if someone does it. You can save replay/screenshot and automatic DQ. The map itself should not be removed from the rotation just because of one boost. Just prohibit it.
And i like the new maps added, the more maps the better. It gets boring playing the same 3 popular maps or w/e. But i definetly agree with boosting, it should be allowed next season in WOGL and in ESL i think its allowed.
lol it doesn't require boosting to get up in that spot in mexico. -
The reason boosting was banned was because in Season1 , it was allowed but then people could do the boost on Mexico. If Wogl wanted to keep boosting allowed, they would need to make a ............list of all the allowed boosts and all the banned boosts. This would take quite a while and lets say if a team found another really unfair boost which hadnt been banned, they'd have a ridiculous advantage in a match.
The reason boosting was banned was because in Season1 , it was allowed but then people could do the boost on Mexico. If Wogl wanted to keep boosting allowed, they would need to make a ............list of all the allowed boosts and all the banned boosts. This would take quite a while and lets say if a team found another really unfair boost which hadnt been banned, they'd have a ridiculous advantage in a match.
theres a difference between and unfair boost which is just a case for whining by the other team and something you shoulda reacted to and countered quicker instead of getting owned by it.. and then theres a map out boost which the mexico one is...
If theres a clear map out boost that your clearly not permitted access to because it is walled off with invisible walls its a no brainer to not use it.. -
theres a difference between and unfair boost which is just a case for whining by the other team and something you shoulda reacted to and countered quicker instead of getting owned by it.. and then theres a map out boost which the mexico one is...
If theres a clear map out boost that your clearly not permitted access to because it is walled off with invisible walls its a no brainer to not use it..
But unless there is a rule specifically noting EVERY boost not allowed, then it would be allowed. If you can find a way to 'bend' the rules, then there's no problems with that. Lets say WOGL/ESL made out a list of alllllllll the banned boosts that take you inside the map / on top of buildings w/e, then if someone found another boost like that it would be banned so they could use it. They would know it would be banned immediately after that match, but before it and during the match it wouldnt be since no-one would know about it. Easier just to keep all boosts banned.
In my opinion, single boosts should only be allowed [jumpin on a crouched guy] and WOGL/ESL should make a list of all allowed boost, with a youtube video to go with it to show peeps how to do it. If you want a new boost added, send in a ticket to esl/wogl and they'll review it. Every boost NOT on the list is banned. Simplez. -
But unless there is a rule specifically noting EVERY boost not allowed, then it would be allowed. If you can find a way to 'bend' the rules, then there's no problems with that. Lets say WOGL/ESL made out a list of alllllllll the banned boosts that take you inside the map / on top of buildings w/e, then if someone found another boost like that it would be banned so they could use it. They would know it would be banned immediately after that match, but before it and during the match it wouldnt be since no-one would know about it. Easier just to keep all boosts banned.
In my opinion, single boosts should only be allowed [jumpin on a crouched guy] and WOGL/ESL should make a list of all allowed boost, with a youtube video to go with it to show peeps how to do it. If you want a new boost added, send in a ticket to esl/wogl and they'll review it. Every boost NOT on the list is banned. Simplez.
Give me a list of boosts right now you can think up of on the top of your head that should be banned, besides the mexico boost... just give me 3 examples or add me on xfire now and show me which ones...
I disagree completely with your assumption that people need a video to show which boosts are correct.. if you do a stacking boost your dqed end of story, your only allowed stacking boosts, if leagues need people to review the footage then hire them...
if you go around telling people whats good and whats not that defeats the purpose of boosting in general -
Only that section of area is walled off. Meaning only that section of area is "illegal" by your definition.
@Rust stop beign dumb :P
If league admins make a list of ALLOWED boosts, then any other boost is considered illegal until confirmed by an admin.
I still fail to see how a single layer boost (as in 1 person boosting another nothing else, that means if you previously boosted a person up and boost another in the same place the two on the boosted platform cant boost of each other again) can get you to places you weren't supposed to be all the boosts off 1 single layer boost from my view is fine... I dont see the reasoning behind pointing out what shouldn't be allowed or should be.. kids are still going to cry about dumb ****.. even if the boost is said to be allowed it cant be avoided *****ez will be *****ez
I say in the next preseasons they allow it and see how the game plays out..if Its a big issue then remove it -
ignore me, im looking to cure a hangover with an argument, never work's, but il keep looking for one, have a lovely day
Feel your pain. I state something numerous times but people just are so stubborn. Sigh, its the internet mateWatcha up to actually boo, havent chatted in a while ^_^ barely any people in this game worth talking to
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