AK & Deagle Camo vs Ak & Deagle Gold

I am trying to get both but i don't know which one is better for my bag 1 because in my bag 2 is a AWM (The losing set's pistol is in the bag 2 with the AWM).

I heard AK gold is better then AK camo but i also heard that the Deagle camo is better then the Deagle gold. I am not putting them together because i care about looks ... yea.

Well its like saying your using an purple gun and your pistol is the Deagle gold. It just wouldn't look good. I don't care if the AWM is green and my pistol is camo or gold. AWM matches with most pistols. And that there is no fully green pistol ... and if there is i bet it would look like barf.


  • The only difference between Deagle Gold and Deagle Camo is the reload speed and ammo.
    Deagle Gold has 10/50 ammo.
    Deagle Camo has 9/36 ammo.

    Deagle Gold reloads in 2.5 seconds.
    Deagle Camo reloads in 1.7 seconds.
    (the reload time difference may not seem like much, but the Deagle Camo's quicker reload has saved me a lot)

    Damage, fire rate, recoil, and accuracy are the same.

    Deagle Gold for when you need lots of ammo or expect to survive for a long time. MM/HM
    Deagle Camo for when you need to take others out in quick succession. GM/TDM
  • VATAV wrote: »
    The only difference between Deagle Gold and Deagle Camo is the reload speed and ammo.
    Deagle Gold has 10/50 ammo.
    Deagle Camo has 9/36 ammo.

    Deagle Gold reloads in 2.5 seconds.
    Deagle Camo reloads in 1.7 seconds.
    (the reload time difference may not seem like much, but the Deagle Camo's quicker reload has saved me a lot)

    Damage, fire rate, recoil, and accuracy are the same.

    Deagle Gold for when you need lots of ammo or expect to survive for a long time. MM/HM
    Deagle Camo for when you need to take others out in quick succession. GM/TDM

    Well i don't play MM/HM a lot. I play a lot of GM/TDM. I only play MM/HM when i'm bored.
    And i also mentioned the AK. Can you help me answer that?
  • I don't have much experience with normal AK.
    The few times I've used it, it felt to have slightly less recoil then AK-camo. But I'm used too AK-knife which has the most recoil of the AKs so I may not be accurate on that.

    If you don't really play MM, HM, or ESC that much, then Deagle Golds extra ammo wont serve you much.
    So go with the Deagle Camo, Very good all around pistol.