
Can some1 please check my account, and once you find it to be clean (no hacks), could u make it so when im kicked from a game that i still get exp/gp because a couple of days ago i played for 2hours and got 0 gp and 0 exp. I had a sweet ratio in GM in metro, 23-0 when i got kicked. This is really anoying so im wondering if you could just make it so when im kicked i dont loose exp and gp that i gained in the match. If you need my ingame name just tell me to reply with it.



  • Can some1 please check my account, and once you find it to be clean (no hacks), could u make it so when im kicked from a game that i still get exp/gp because a couple of days ago i played for 2hours and got 0 gp and 0 exp. I had a sweet ratio in GM in metro, 23-0 when i got kicked. This is really anoying so im wondering if you could just make it so when im kicked i dont loose exp and gp that i gained in the match. If you need my ingame name just tell me to reply with it.


    This is somthing we are all dealing with.. But the hackers them selfs are a bigger problem than this!!!!
  • truth be told, i've seen 1 hacker in the last 4 days.
    there aren't that many out there.

    or that i can tell anyway.
  • truth be told, i've seen 1 hacker in the last 4 days.
    there aren't that many out there.

    or that i can tell anyway.

    Either you are completely blind, or you have a permanent residence under a rock......or your kdr is so far in the negative you get pwnd all day anyway to where you wouldnt really notice the difference( < in this case you should prolly just uninstall and call it a day)
  • Either you are completely blind, or you have a permanent residence under a rock......or your kdr is so far in the negative you get pwnd all day anyway to where you wouldnt really notice the difference( < in this case you should prolly just uninstall and call it a day)

    There are certainly hackers still out there but nearly as many as there used to be. I think that they left for one of the newer games out(A.V.A and K.O.S).

    Anyways don't go insulting other players on there opinion. Who knows he might be an outstanding player that doesn't notice hackers because he is better then them.
  • Either you are completely blind, or you have a permanent residence under a rock......or your kdr is so far in the negative you get pwnd all day anyway to where you wouldnt really notice the difference( < in this case you should prolly just uninstall and call it a day)

    you my friend are a noob, havent seen alot of hacks out, maybe every 20 games ill see a chammer, your one of those kids that calls out every1 that owns them in a pub, honestly there arn't that many hackers, just get over the fact your a baddie <3.
  • i see hackers everytime i see through the wall. which is never 0.o lol jk. hey someone had to say it -.-
  • 23 and 0 you sure you aint running pub

    23 and 0 you sure you aint ruuning a pub hack or injector as even the best guys on this game still get a death it brings no surpise to me you got kicked i think you should watch your own replys for prefires and walling before you get yourself banned every player knows hackers are spoiling ghost mode and well its seems you could be one of them noobs
  • 23 and 0 you sure you aint ruuning a pub hack or injector as even the best guys on this game still get a death it brings no surpise to me you got kicked i think you should watch your own replys for prefires and walling before you get yourself banned every player knows hackers are spoiling ghost mode and well its seems you could be one of them noobs

    i have played in loads of games with people with a score like that because in gm you can camp and just wait for noobs to run up to you and try to kill you instead of planting c4 and you give them a mouthful of bullets
  • Can some1 please check my account, and once you find it to be clean (no hacks), could u make it so when im kicked from a game that i still get exp/gp because a couple of days ago i played for 2hours and got 0 gp and 0 exp. I had a sweet ratio in GM in metro, 23-0 when i got kicked. This is really anoying so im wondering if you could just make it so when im kicked i dont loose exp and gp that i gained in the match. If you need my ingame name just tell me to reply with it.


    This Thread would be better on the suggestion section ;)
  • 23 and 0 you sure you aint ruuning a pub hack or injector as even the best guys on this game still get a death it brings no surpise to me you got kicked i think you should watch your own replys for prefires and walling before you get yourself banned every player knows hackers are spoiling ghost mode and well its seems you could be one of them noobs

    oviously you dont know what spray is... u shoot ur gun in ovious places where gosts camp, and if ur crosshairs turn red, theres a gost there...duh
  • truth be told, i've seen 1 hacker in the last 4 days.
    there aren't that many out there.

    or that i can tell anyway.

    It seems to me most of the hackers come out on weekends or something, I played yesterday (Sunday) and reported four in four different games, and it wasn't my imagination since one just got banned and I'm waiting on the rest of the reports to be viewed.
  • Lex777 wrote: »
    It seems to me most of the hackers come out on weekends or something, I played yesterday (Sunday) and reported four in four different games, and it wasn't my imagination since one just got banned and I'm waiting on the rest of the reports to be viewed.

    We should be sent a PM when the hacker is banned or not.

    Have 2 messages typed out somewhere and when it's looked at just send it to whoever reported in a reply.
  • We should be sent a PM when the hacker is banned or not.

    Have 2 messages typed out somewhere and when it's looked at just send it to whoever reported in a reply.

    I agree.
    It would be nice to know since they say that not all bans are posted.
    I sent in a PM to a MOD to ask that very question.