GodsGunman's Cross Fire [Weapons DPS guide] V1.1

I've figured out a way to rank guns (without including their spray patters), which is their Damage Per Second. Damage Per Second is clearly not something new, but nobody that I know of has done it for every gun in cross fire and ranked each gun accordingly. I will not be doing every single gun (I will add to the list over time, as I work on my stickied guide located here http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=158494 which will include DPS once it gets updated but I thought DPS was so important I'd make a separate thread, which would be what you're reading).

I got the DPS from each weapon by finding the median damage off of 3 shots:

1. hand/arm
2. foot/leg
3. back/chest

After I got the median I would multiply it by the specific gun's RPS(Rounds Per Second), and that would give me the DPS(Damage Per Second); pretty simple. If you want to see damage done to each body part, RPS for each weapon or much more, check out my unfinished guide here (it's stickied):


Best Gun in the Game Award:
1. Mauser M1896(Triple Burst): 530.4

Awesome Guns (Above 3 kills per second):

2. Gold Gatling G.: 357.4
3. M14EBR: 338.8
4. M249 MINIMI: 337.8
5. G36K: 334.0
6. SG552-Camo: 327.7
7. Golden AK-47: 323.3
8. AK-47: 316.9
9. M4A1-E: 316.1
10. QBZ-95: 315.7
11. AK 47-Camo: 315.3
12. Thompson: 310.7
13. AK 47 X-mas: 308.1
14. M4A1-Adv: 305.2
15. Scar Light: 300.4

Good Guns (Between 3 and 2.9 kills per second):

16. M4A1: 299.6
17. AK 47 Silver: 299.0
18. M4A1-A Silver: 298.7
19. AUG A1-Camo: 297.0
20. M4A1-Spring: 295.3
21. Golden M4A1 (Tiger): 295.0
22. M4A1-Custom: 294.6
23. Beretta AR-70: 294.4
24. Dual Uzi Pink: 292.5
25. M16A2: 290.0

Okay Guns(Between 2.9 and 2.5 kills per second):

26. Golden M4A1: 288.4
27. Kriss Super V: 288.0
28. FAMAS-Camo: 287.5
29. XM8: 283.3
30. RPK-Gold: 283.2
31. Type89: 281.2
32. RPK-Camo: 280.3
33. M4A1 Custom Crystal: 279.8
34. FAMAS: 276.5
35. AK-47 Knife: 274.8
36. XM8-Adv: 273.2
37. RPK: 270.0
38. Kriss-Halloween: 266.7
39. M60-Adv: 265.4
40. M12s: 260.4
41. M16s-Camo: 257.5
42. AK-74: 252.2
43. MP5-Adv: 251.6

Useable Guns (between 2.5 and 2.0 kills per second):

44. Dual UZI: 243.3
45. M16: 234.1
46. Mauser M1896(Semi-Auto): 234.0
47. MP5: 228.0
48. P90: 227.0
49. Golden Desert Eagle: 217.5
50. Desert Eagle: 206.5
51. Desert Eagle-camo: 206.3

Terrible Guns (Less than 2 kills per second):

52. Mk23 S.: 198.0
53. Micro GALIL-Scope: 184.2
54. COLT1911: 134.4
55. Winchester: 101.7

Worst Gun in the game award:
56. M9: 60.8
