To eotl players

51] gandhi: so you think i cheat?
unR.eotL | Prepaid: we dont
unR.eotL | Prepaid: u ghosted though obviously
51] gandhi: kid
your an idiot
51] gandhi: idiot
unR.eotL | Prepaid: kid
unR.eotL | Prepaid: idiot
unR.eotL | Prepaid: derp
51] gandhi: we didnt ghost
51] gandhi: honestly
unR.eotL | Prepaid: yea u did
unR.eotL | Prepaid: derp
unR.eotL | Prepaid: QQ
51] gandhi: lmfao dude
unR.eotL | Prepaid: way ovious
51] gandhi: really?
51] gandhi: we ghosted ceyhan too?
unR.eotL | Prepaid: no
51] gandhi: we did not ghost
unR.eotL | Prepaid: we didnt try on ceyhan
51] gandhi: of cource
51] gandhi: Slaya was on your mumble
51] gandhi: not ours
unR.eotL | Prepaid: ok
unR.eotL | Prepaid: multi mumbleing
unR.eotL | Prepaid: GG
51] gandhi: he wasnt on our mumble
51] gandhi: why would we ghost
unR.eotL | Prepaid: derp
unR.eotL | Prepaid: depr
unR.eotL | Prepaid: depr
unR.eotL | Prepaid: no spec
51] gandhi: in a ****ty scrim
51] gandhi: against a bad team
51] gandhi: i had respect
51] gandhi: but you cannot take a loss
51] gandhi: and whine about ghosting
unR.eotL | Prepaid: we will rm tomorrow
unR.eotL | Prepaid: no specs
51] gandhi: quite frankly
51] gandhi: my team will never play yours again
51] gandhi: GG.



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