Snake-Eyes Rebuilding

Hey guys , seems as we are in the rebuilding process .

Approx a third went missing so we have 3 Lt spots if your up to the task of being a LT . Scrim leaders as well as participating in the forum we have also . We do have ventrilo and we will do regular clan member competitions for zp . Clean players that do not hack because we do review our members are what is asked for . If you refuse to get on ventrilo sorry no scrims for you because shooting and typing locations of the opposition doesn't work well .

My loyalty to members does not go unrewarded , so if you want to double or triple clan forget applying also .

Dead beats that do not participate in the clan need not apply . Oh and emo players can find the door on their way out also or get handed the boot .

Give us a look at joining . have fun and kill hard .

E-8 clan Leader
