»Prøløgic« recruit!!<33 Rank: 529
best people.
»Prøløgic« recruit,
We're ranking very fast, 20 places in a day,
So maybe for 2010 we are top 200
we're just looking for active members, we want fast top 200=].
If you are very active, nad you get 40 clan points in a week, then doesn't matter youre k/d
If you get maximal 20 clan points in a week then need you a kd from 1.30+
So what did you need:
- just be active
- kd 1.10+
- xfire( you dont need it, but its very fine if you have it)
- No hack/or bugs allowed.
[C]alm* + Raff
»Prøløgic« recruit,
We're ranking very fast, 20 places in a day,
So maybe for 2010 we are top 200
we're just looking for active members, we want fast top 200=].
If you are very active, nad you get 40 clan points in a week, then doesn't matter youre k/d
If you get maximal 20 clan points in a week then need you a kd from 1.30+
So what did you need:
- just be active
- kd 1.10+
- xfire( you dont need it, but its very fine if you have it)
- No hack/or bugs allowed.
[C]alm* + Raff
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