[D]ead* is looking for a new clan...

ok so bassically, i need a new clan, but this time i want a clan to recruit me where there isnt BS because its really starting to **** me off, i get told theres no BS in peoples clans yet as soon as i go to that clan i hear it.

so yeah im looking for a new clan.

I will only join a clan that uses Team Speak or Ventrillo (if you do not have either do not reply to this post)
My KDR is 1.7, im active everyday

I do not hack what so ever
I do not want to be apart of any clan that hack's either.

Ive Previously been In these clans :
(these are in no specific order)
Pubstarz,sanitarium,Deadly-Ones,[M]ercenary,Semper Fi, F.E.A.R(TM)- this clan is now dispanded., Donncha.

If you do check my account out, my headshots are so high due to when i reset my KDR it didnt reset my headshots for some unknown reason.

So yeah just reply to this thread if you want me to check your clan out.


