Th3 Chaos™ Is Now Recruiting

Hey all we are a good clan that likes to play GM & S&D Mostly :P

Th3 Chaos™ is now recuiting good members that likes GM & S&D and others.
Th3 Chaos™ is not a new clan , we just changed clan name. :D

About Th3 Chaos™ , we are about 16 members used to be 30 but kicked for inactivity.
Were ranked 631 but soon i hope we do better :).
Our Clan Requirements isn't much its just

1. Be kind to others when we scrim.
2. Get 10 CLAN POINTS/5000 EXP a week!
4. Be SURE u stay ACTIVE & 1.5 KDR results atleast!
5.Do NOT HACK or believe any SH!T from others !
6. Be NICE to your/our Clan Members!

The Clan Points Gain is 10 Points a week atleast not so much.
Our Clan :

We hope to see some of you replay and Apply to Th3 Chaos™ If you like to scrim and do pub with clanmates as we call them our friends ^^