Hey Clans.. ESL-America Picking Up Crossfire!!!

Ok, heres the deal.. yes this is some what double posted.. PLEASE LET THIS STAY... its to help the crossfire community grow and make everyone happy :D

As some of u may know VSGL and other leagues wont be around.. some other sites are thinking about adding CF to their season leagues...

well from what i understand, ESL-EU has CF, but not america ... so my thought and some other ppl's thoughts.... if we spam their CF forum section, they will most likely add CF to their games list... CF will then have a very legit and organized league :D

Just register then go back to the forum and write a reply or whatever u want to do, convience them CF is worth bringing to ESL-America ->


ESL is Electronic Sport League, for the ppl that dont know.. it usually is host of very successful season branched leagues for Counter-Strike, COD4, L4D, Quake, and other big names.... hopefully we can get them to add CF :P (like i said before ESL-EU has CF on their games list)