top 10 Riflers in Crossfire [Nominations]?

Today im here to ask the community of crossfire, who do you think is the best rifler this game has to offer?
Here are the rules:
1) Posters can nominate players by posting the player's name (I.e. I nominate Malte[gr])Note that it should be their exact ign's including all astricks, periods, dashes, etc.
2) If you like someone's nomination, please quote their post, and post agree

Note that your nominations need at least 3 different agrees for it to be passed

In example:
IGN_Pryde wrote: »
I nominate Malte[gr]
IGN_Pryde wrote: »
I agree :D

3) No Joke nominations
IGN_Pryde wrote: »
I nominate Tasty limes.... lol

(this is an example btw)

Your Nominations will be updated on another thread, which then you will have to vote for one of the choices. The final results will be posted on my blog:
And we just might have an interview with each one too..
