Wall jump suggestion.

I think there should be a wall jump move, where you can only do it when holding a knife.

Instructions: While running with knife jump at wall, once you hit the wall press space again and you will jump off of it.

Direction: if you jump at it of a 20 degree angle, youll bounce of at a 20 degree angle but going the opposite direction. same with all angle's.

NOTE: remember, you can only do this movement with a KNIFE.

if you could use this with a gun, that would be dominant, you would be almost invincable doing this with a gun, you would be bouncing around with a shotgun shooting people like crazy. *until you run out of ammo ofcourse.

Please respond and show your opinions.
your opinion does not matter to me, its all up to the GM's or Devs.

i think its pretty cool!
