The M16A1

The M16A1 (in game know as M16) is the rifle all new accounts on Crossfire begin with. Whilst most people replace it with a better rifle or break it as soon as they can, some stick with this rifle for considerable amounts of time. This should give you a few pointers on how to make the best out of the time you will be stuck with this rifle.

A bit about Crossfire's M16A1:

It's free
It's flexible
It's easy to break
You get free money from the games you play with it

Bad recoil

Anyways, this gun actually has a good headshot capability. Like the AK47, it's recoil can be used with or against it. If you want a headshot, you can either center the skull in your crosshairs and fire off a 2-3 round burst (which should get a headshot kill) or you can aim at the body and the 4-5th shot should be at head height. Also interestingly enough, it's slow rate of fire has it's advantages. The slow rate of fire makes it easier to control your shots and conserve your ammo, though reduces it's spray capability.

The way to use this gun properly thus is similar along the line of the AK47. Tap fire and use it's headshot capabilities against it, whilst controlling the recoil, or pulling down as you continue to spray. A person who can make a real epic pownage with this gun is well on the way to moving onto the awesome AK47. The M16A1 also in particular is very good for getting headshots. 64% of my M16A1 kills were probably from headshotting which is quite interesting for it's type of weapon.

On the whole, fire 3 round bursts at the opponent's face should headshot him, or a 5 round burst starting between the neck and chest should also headshot him. Try to avoid getting into close range fights as it has a relatively slow rate of fire and below average power. Try and take your enemies on at med-long range. You should also be weary of this gun's recoil which is quite high. If you can master an M16A1 you won't be awesome due to your outdated Vietnam War weaponry, but you should be well on the way to mastering higher recoil guns such as the AK47.

Comments please what do you think on this brief explanation of tips with the M16A1?
