I dont know what to do
I'm split between friends and clans. I'm seperated from clans and clans and clans because of friends, not just that but "noobs" in some of the clan I join. I don't know what to do.
Should I quit my current clan that has tons of people I know that are friendly, but suck at scrims and never won 1 scrimmage as far as I know.
Or should I ditch the clan, leave everybody and forget them and join my friends clan, which I've known for 4 years.
Ugggggh I'm so confused
It's hard picking clans, and I had to hop clans about 5 times already.
P.S I want to tell my friends to join the clan i'm joining, but some clans require a positive KDR, which most people in my clan don't got.
Should I quit my current clan that has tons of people I know that are friendly, but suck at scrims and never won 1 scrimmage as far as I know.
Or should I ditch the clan, leave everybody and forget them and join my friends clan, which I've known for 4 years.
Ugggggh I'm so confused
It's hard picking clans, and I had to hop clans about 5 times already.
P.S I want to tell my friends to join the clan i'm joining, but some clans require a positive KDR, which most people in my clan don't got.
when this game started I was in a clan called black aces which was in top 200 and then I got my friends to start playing this game and soon after we decided to make our own clan and it has worked out awesome for us, were almost in top 1000 and we have a really skilled clan called GrimReeFerZ..gl whatever you do, I know I would rather play with my friends then some randoms
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