No Texture Glitch??
dreambomber wrote: »try to update your Graphic and directx Drivers, maybe theyre outdated and coz the textures to look stupid.
Otherwise it was a Server Bug, and then you cant do anything against that :rolleyes:
by that you meen buy? or just download? O_o?? -
by that you meen buy? or just download? O_o??
you download graphics card drivers from the manufacturer of your card type for example mine is Nvidia so you would go to:
if yours is an AMD go to:
to find out your graphics card not always like this because sometimes it does not say and just tells you the monitor your connected to but it should say what graphics card it is connected to aswel ok so:
1. Start > Control Panel > Display > Settings (should have a monitor and the name of your graphics card under it)
2. Right click desktop > properties > settings (should have a monitor and the name of your graphics card under it) -
piemonkey3 wrote: »you download graphics card drivers from the manufacturer of your card type for example mine is Nvidia so you would go to:
if yours is an AMD go to:
to find out your graphics card not always like this because sometimes it does not say and just tells you the monitor your connected to but it should say what graphics card it is connected to aswel ok so:
1. Start > Control Panel > Display > Settings (should have a monitor and the name of your graphics card under it)
2. Right click desktop > properties > settings (should have a monitor and the name of your graphics card under it)
to add to this
in vista right click on my computer
there should be a side panel with 4 options on it. click device manager (you need admin rights for this)
then in the next window click on display and your current graphics card will be displayed
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