Real noobs.

Yo yo ive just finished a game which could've been rather fun but was pretty much completely ruined for my side due to one person.

this guy ended up being 2 kills 25 deaths in a match which we were leading till he joined.

we ended up losing like 142 to 150.

do these people annoy anyone else or is it just me? i hate having a person thats like 1 kill 20 deaths how do you play that bad? i mean come on just stick to someone else and help ks them or something -_-.

i think there should be a automatic kick system for people like these... it would also help with the self lvlers oop some guy is 0 k 15d kicked.

whats wrong with having something like this in place? besides the two tears in a bucket that the 3 year old just cried for getting kicked from a computer game -_-".
